









[1] 2014.09-2018.06,山东大学,岩土工程,博士

[2] 2011.09-2014.06,济南大学,硕士

[3] 2007.09-2011.06,济南大学,学士


[1] 2020.12-至今,中国海洋大学,工程学院,副教授、硕士生导师

[2] 2018.07-2020.11,山东大学,岩土工程中心,博士后


[1] 地下工程富水软弱地层注浆加固理论、材料与技术;

[2] 深海采矿稀软底质土力学与海底工程装备研发;

[3] 海上风电基础工程冲刷灾害控制理论、材料与技术。



[1] 本科生课程:土木工程材料,工程结构II,土力学与地基

[2] 研究生课程:深远海岛礁岩土工程,专业英语


1. 纵向科研项目

[1] 2023.11-2025.10,江苏省隧道与地下工程技术研究中心开放基金项目,2023-SDJJ-04,大直径盾构同步注浆材料及扩散机理与隧道稳定性研究,主持

[2] 2022.01-2024.12,山东省高校青创科技支持计划项目,2021KJG001,海上风机吸力式基础冲刷失效机理及灾变控制关键技术,主持

[3] 2021.01-2023.12,中国海洋大学青年英才工程项目,862101013168,岛礁海底隧道富水破碎带注浆加固机理及围岩稳定性研究,主持

[4] 2020.01-2022.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,51909140,地下工程软弱砂土富水地层注浆加固机理研究,主持

[5] 2020.01-2021.12,中国科协青年人才托举工程项目,2019QNRC001,软基与岩土体加固和处理,主持

[6] 2018.09-2020.12,中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2018M642658,富水砂层高效注浆材料及加固机理研究与应用,主持

[7] 2022.01-2025.12,国家重点研发计划课题,2021YFC2801503,深海多金属结核采集头样机研制,参与;

[8] 2022.01-2023.12,山东省矿山灾害预防控制重点实验室重点项目,SMDPC202201,深海采矿稀软沉积物扰动特性与行驶装备优化,参与;

[9] 2020.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金联合项目,U1906229,复杂海洋环境运营期隧道结构灾变机理与防控理论及技术,参与;

[10] 2020.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,51979153,富水软弱围岩注浆加固体渗透劣化机理与长期稳定性研究,参与。

2. 横向科研项目

[1] 2023.12-2024.12,企事业单位委托科技项目,横20230617,特长水下隧道低碳绿色建设技术指南,主持

[2] 2023.06-2024.06,企事业单位委托科技项目,横20230215,滨海淤泥质路段绿色抗裂路面结构稳定控制关键技术研究,主持

[3] 2022.04-2023.12,企事业单位委托科技项目,横20230017,大直径盾构隧道同步双液注浆技术规程,主持

[4] 2022.12-2023.12,企事业单位委托科技项目,20220424,地下工程岩溶复合地层注浆理论及关键技术,主持

[5] 2022.12-2023.12,企事业单位委托科技项目,20220423,超大直径盾构隧道注浆材料及关键技术,主持

[6] 2022.04-2023.12,企事业单位委托科技项目,20220093,高速公路边坡光伏成套技术研究及示范科技项目,主持


[1] 2023年,全国高校土建类学科(专业)优秀学位论文(本科)二等奖指导教师;

[2] 2023年,指导2名硕士生获国家奖学金、1名硕士生获校级镭测创芯“敏知”奖学金;

[3] 2023年,中国海洋大学本科毕业论文(设计)优秀指导教师;

[4] 2023年,指导本科生国家级大学生创新创业训练计划1项、校级SRDP 1项;

[5] 2022年,主持中国海洋大学本科教育教学研究项目;

[6] 2022年,指导本科生国家级大学生创新创业训练计划1项、省级大学生创新创业训练计划1项。


[1] 岩石力学与工程学会水下隧道工程技术分会理事及秘书

[2] 山东轨道交通学会工程安全与防护专委会委员

[3] Top SCI期刊International Journal of Mining Science and Technology青年编委

[4] SCI期刊Green Energy and Resources青年编委

[5] EI期刊Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering青年编委

[6] SCI期刊Mathematical Problems in EngineeringMaterials客座主编

[7] 国际岩石力学与工程学会会员、国际声发射学会会员

[8] Constr. Build. Mater.B. Eng. Geol. Environ.Tunn. Undergr. Sp. Tech.J. Mater. Civil. Eng.ACI. Struct. J.SCI期刊审稿专家。


[1] 2022年中国公路学会科学技术二等奖(排名第1

[2] 2022年山东省青年创新团队带头人

[3] 2021年青岛市科技进步二等奖(排名第1

[4] 2021年中国海洋大学青年英才工程

[5] 2020年中国科协第五届青年人才托举工程

[6] 2019年山东省优秀博士学位论文

[7] 2019年山东大学优秀博士学位论文

[8] 2018年山东大学特别资助类博士后

[9] 2016年山东省煤炭工业科学技术二等奖


发表SCI/EI论文40余篇,第一/通讯发表SCI 31篇、EI 4篇,第一/通讯发表中科院Top SCI 15篇,1篇入选“第四届中国有色金属优秀科技论文”。代表论文:

[1] Fei Sha*, Hao Kong, Lanying Zhang, et al. Rheological properties of CEMI type microfine cement slurry with different fineness. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 404: 133253. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[2] Fei Sha, Mingshuai Xi, Xuguang Chen*, et al. A recent review on multi-physics coupling between deep-sea mining equipment and marine sediment. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 276: 114229. (SCI, 1, 5.0)

[3] Fei Sha*, Rui Fan, Shijiu Gu, et al. Strengthening effect of sulphoaluminate cementitious grouting material for water-bearing broken rocky stratum. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 368: 130390. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[4] Fei Sha, Guoxi Fan*. Durability of a novel effective microfine cementitious grouting material in corrosion environments. Construction and Building Materials,2021, 306: 124842. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[5] Fei Sha, Qing Jin*, Peng Liu. Development of effective microfine cement-based grouts (EMCG) for porous and fissured strata. Construction and Building Materials,2020, 262: 120775. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[6] Fei Sha, Haiyan Li*, Deng Pan, et al. Development of steel slag composite grouts for underground engineering. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9 (3): 2793-2809. (SCI, Top, 6.4)

[7] Fei Sha*, Chunjin Lin*, Zhaofeng Li, et al. Reinforcement simulation of water-rich and broken rock with Portland cement-based grout. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 221: 292-300. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[8] Fei Sha, Shucai Li*, Rentai Liu, et al. Performance of typical cement suspension-sodium silicate double slurry grout. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 200: 408-419. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[9] Fei Sha, Shucai Li*, Rentai Liu, et al. Experimental study on performance of cement-based grouts admixed with fly ash, bentonite, superplasticizer and water glass. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 161: 282-291. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[10] Fei Sha, Peng Liu*. Development of high-performance microfine cementitious grout with high amount of fly ash, silica fume and slag. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering-ASCE, 2021, 33(10): 04021270. (SCI, 3.2)

[11] Fei Sha, Shucai Li, Rentai Liu*, et al. Effects of fineness on viscoelasticity of microfine cement-based grouts with fly ash, silica fume and superplasticizer. Advances in Cement Research, 2018, 30(10): 469-481. (SCI, 2.0)

[12] Fei Sha, Dongyu Xu*, Xin Cheng, et al. Mechanical sensing properties of embedded smart piezoelectric sensor for nondestructive evaluation of concrete structures. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021, 32(2): 88-112. (SCI, 1.4)

[13] Fei Sha, Peng Liu*, Yongling Ding. Application investigation of high-phosphorus steel slag in cementitious material and ordinary concrete. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 11: 2074-2091. (SCI, Top, 6.4)

[14] Peng Liu, Menglu Liu, Fei Sha*, et al. Preparation and performance investigation of a high efficiency cement permeation type waterproofing materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 365: 130140. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[15] Peng Liu, Ying Chen, Fei Sha*, et al. Study on micro structure and composition distribution of concrete surface zone based on fractal theory and XCT technology. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 263: 120209.(SCI, Top, 7.4)

[16] Peng Li, Shijiu Gu, Aihui Ding, Fei Sha*, et al. Application of steel slag composite grout for strengthening expressway photovoltaic slope. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023, 19, e02617. (SCI, 6.2)

[17] Shucai Li*, Fei Sha, Rentai Liu, et al. Investigation on fundamental properties of microfine cement and cement-slag grouts. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 153: 965-974. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[18] Shucai Li*, Fei Sha, Rentai Liu, et al. Properties of cement-based grouts with high amounts of ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash.Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering-ASCE, 2017, 29(11): 04017219. (SCI, 3.2)

[19] Shucai Li*, Fei Sha, Rentai Liu, et al. Investigation of viscous behavior and strength of microfine-cement-based grout mixed with microfine fly ash and superplasticizer. Advances in Cement Research, 2017, 29(5): 206-215. (SCI, 2.0)

[20] 沙飞, 李术才*, 刘人太, . 富水砂层高效注浆材料试验与应用研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2019, 38(7): 1420-1433. (EI)

[21] 沙飞, 李术才, 林春金*, . 砂土介质注浆渗透扩散试验与加固机制研究. 岩土力学, 2019, 40(11), 4259-4269. (EI)


[1] 沙飞, 顾世玖, 陈旭光, , 高温富水软弱地层隧道帷幕注浆开挖模型试验装置与方法, ZL 202210407400.9 (发明授权)

[2] 沙飞, 孔昊, 刘涛, , 高水压盾构隧道壁后注浆及管片上浮模型试验装置与方法, ZL 202210407389.6 (发明授权)

[3] 沙飞, 席明帅, 刘涛, , 富水软土高压大直径盾构同步单液注浆浆液及工艺与应用, ZL 202111677541.4 (发明授权)

[4] 沙飞, 孔昊, 刘涛, , 高水压超大直径水下盾构隧道双液注浆浆液及工艺与应用, ZL 202111677537.8 (发明授权)

[5] 沙飞, 席明帅, 陈旭光, , 一种海底采矿车沉陷探测及主动脱困装置与方法, ZL 202210407284.0 (发明授权)

[6] 沙飞, 顾世玖, 陈旭光, , 富水砂层注浆扩散加固模拟及渗透系数试验装置与方法, ZL 202111618514.X (发明授权)

[7] 沙飞, 陈力铭, 陈旭光, , 岛礁富水钙质砂土地层注浆模拟及渗透性试验装置与方法, ZL 202111618648.1 (发明授权)

[8] 沙飞, 范锐, 陈旭光, , 高地压饱海水裂隙网络岩层注浆封堵与失稳模型试验装置, ZL 202211340379.1 (发明授权)

[9] 沙飞, 孔昊, 陈旭光, , 预加水平应力、诱导劈裂及定域联合注浆加固装置与工艺, ZL 202211336301.2 (发明授权)

[10] 沙飞, 顾世玖, 陈旭光, , 海上风机基础冲刷灾害注浆防护模型试验装置与试验方法, ZL 202211191807.9 (发明授权)

[11] 沙飞, 席明帅, 陈旭光, , 多向调节及羽状流防控复合式海底采矿采集装备, ZL 202211190949.3 (发明授权)

[12] 沙飞, 范锐, 刁玉红, , 用于富水破碎岩层动水注浆加固模型试验装置及试验方法, ZL 202111618366.1 (发明授权)

[13] 沙飞, 卜蒙, 杨树桐, , 用于岛礁的碱激发全固废海水海砂珊瑚混凝土及制备工艺, ZL 202211435440.0 (发明授权)

[14] 李术才, 沙飞, 刘人太, , 用于富水砂层注浆治理的高效超细水泥基复合注浆材料、制备工艺及应用, ZL 201710919736.2 (发明授权)

[15] 李术才, 沙飞, 刘人太, , 一种用于微裂隙及粉细砂土注浆治理的高性能超细水泥基注浆材料及其应用, ZL 201710937815.6 (发明授权)

[16] 陈旭光, 陈力铭, 沙飞, , 用于岛礁软弱地层注浆加固的组合钻注管及施工方法, ZL202110800328.1 (发明授权)

[17]沙飞, 范锐, 徐程, ,一种植物纤维毯及安置结构, ZL 202220845585.7 (实用新型授权)

[18]沙飞, 卜蒙, 徐程, ,一种用于隧道与地下工程的钢石板复合结构及安装结构, ZL 202220845736.9 (实用新型授权)

Resume in English

Name: SHA Fei

Title: Associate Professor

Research Fields: Geotechnical Engineering

Department: College of Engineering

Address: Engineering College, Ocean University of China, No. 1299 Sansha Road, New Xihaian District, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100

Phone: 18764015021

E-mail: shafei@ouc.edu.cn


[1] 2014.09-2018.06, Shandong University, Geotechnical engineering, PhD

[2] 2011.09-2014.06, University of Jinan, Master

[3] 2007.09-2011.06, University of Jinan, Bachelor

Work Experience

[1] 2020.12-now, Ocean University of China, College of Engineering, Associate Professor

[2] 2018.9-2020.11, Shandong University, Geotechnical Engineering Center, Postdoctor

Research Interests / responsibilities

[1] Adverse geological disaster control theory, material and technology for underwater shield tunnel and island undersea tunnel;

[2] Soil mechanics and subsea harvest-driving equipment development for deep sea mining.

[3] Scouring disaster control theory, material and technology for offshore wind power foundation project;

Welcome the young students who love scientific research and are interested in the above fields to join us!

Research Projects

[1] 2023.11-2025.10, Opening Project of Tunnel and Underground Engineering Research Center of Jiangsu Province, 2023-SDJJ-04, Research on Synchronous Grouting Materials, Diffusion Mechanism and Tunnel Stability of Large Diameter Shield Tunnel, in charge.

[2] 2022.01-2024.12, Shandong Provincial University Youth Innovation Science and Technology Support Program, 2021KJG001, Scouring Failure Mechanism and Disaster Control Key Technologies for Suction Foundation of Offshore Wind Turbine, in charge.

[3] 2021.01-2023.12, Young Elite Project of Ocean University of China, 862101013168, Grouting Reinforcement Mechanism and Surrounding Rock Stability of Water-rich Broken Zone of Subsea Tunnel, in charge.

[4] 2020.01-2022.12, NSFC, 51909140, Research on Grouting Reinforcement Mechanism of Water-rich Strata in Soft Sand, in charge.

[5] 2020.01-2021.12, Young Talent Support Project of China Association for Science and Technology, 2019QNRC001, Soft Foundation and Rock Mass Reinforcement and Treatment, in charge.

[6] 2018.09-2020.07, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation General Project, 2018M642658, Research and Application of High-efficiency Grouting Material and Reinforcement Mechanism for Water-rich Sand Layer, in charge.

[7] 2023.12-2024.12, Company Commissioned Research Project, 20230617, Construction Technical Guidelines for Low Carbon and Green of Ultra Long Underwater Tunnels, in charge.

[8] 2023.06-2024.06, Company Commissioned Research Project, 20230215, Research on the Key Control Technology of Structural Stability of Green Anti-crack Pavement in the Coastal Silt Roads, in charge.

[9] 2022.04-2023.12, Company Commissioned Research Project, 20230017, Grouting Technical Specification for Large Diameter Shield Tunnel Synchronous Double Liquid Grout, in charge.

[10] 2022.12-2023.12, Company Commissioned Research Project, 20220424, Grouting Theory and Key Technology for Karst Complex Stratum in Underground Engineering, in charge.

[11] 2022.12-2023.12, Company Commissioned Research Project, 20220423, Grouting Materials and Key Technologies for Super-Large Diameter Shield Tunnels, in charge.

[12] 2022.04-2023.12, Company Commissioned Research Project, 20220093, Highway Slope Photovoltaic Technology Research and Demonstration Technology, in charge.

Academic Achievements, Awards and Honors

[1] The Second Prize of China Society of Highway and Road Science and Technology Award in 2022 (Ranked 1st).

[2] The Second Prize of Qingdao Science and Technology Progress Award in 2021 (Ranked 1st).

[3] Leader of Shandong Province Youth Innovation Team in 2021.

[4] "The Young Talents Project" of the Ocean University of China in 2021-2025.

[5] The Fifth China Association for Science and Technology Young Talent Promotion Project (2019-2021).

[6] Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Shandong Province in 2019.

[7] Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Shandong University in 2019.

[8] Special Supporting Post-doctor, Shandong University, 2018.

[9] Shandong Province Coal Industry Science and Technology Second Prize in 2016.

Major Publication

[1] Fei Sha*, Hao Kong, Lanying Zhang, et al. Rheological properties of CEMI type microfine cement slurry with different fineness. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 404: 133253. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[2] Fei Sha, Mingshuai Xi, Xuguang Chen*, et al. A recent review on multi-physics coupling between deep-sea mining equipment and marine sediment. Ocean Engineering 2023, 276: 114229. (SCI, Top, 5.0)

[3] Fei Sha*, Rui Fan, Shijiu Gu, et al. Strengthening effect of sulphoaluminate cementitious grouting material for water-bearing broken rocky stratum. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 368: 130390. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[4] Fei Sha, Guoxi Fan*. Durability of a novel effective microfine cementitious grouting material in corrosion environments. Construction and Building Materials,2021, 306: 124842. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[5] Fei Sha, Qing Jin*, Peng Liu. Development of effective microfine cement-based grouts (EMCG) for porous and fissured strata. Construction and Building Materials,2020, 262: 120775. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[6] Fei Sha*, Chunjin Lin*, Zhaofeng Li, et al. Reinforcement simulation of water-rich and broken rock with Portland cement-based grout. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 221: 292-300. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[7] Fei Sha, Shucai Li*, Rentai Liu, et al. Experimental study on performance of cement-based grouts admixed with fly ash, bentonite, superplasticizer and water glass. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 161: 282-291. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[8] Fei Sha, Shucai Li*, Rentai Liu, et al. Performance of typical cement suspension-sodium silicate double slurry grout. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 200: 408-419. (SCI, Top, 7.4)

[9] Fei Sha, Haiyan Li*, Deng Pan, et al. Development of steel slag composite grouts for underground engineering. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9 (3): 2793-2809. (SCI, Top, 6.4)

[10] Fei Sha, Peng Liu*. Development of high-performance microfine cementitious grout with high amount of fly ash, silica fume and slag. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering-ASCE, 2021, 33(10): 04021270. (SCI, 3.2)