





通讯地址:青岛松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院




1. 2004.09-2009.07,中国海洋大学,港口、海岸及近海工程,博士(硕博连读)

2. 2000.09-2004.06,中国海洋大学,港口航道与海岸工程、计算机应用,学士(双专业)


1. 2018.05-至今,中国海洋大学工程学院,教师

2. 2019.10-2018.05,中国海洋石油总公司深水工程重点实验室/国家能源深水油气工程技术研发中心,高级工程师。期间:

a) 2013.09-2013.12  美国DMAR公司,深水浮式平台基本设计

b) 2015.05-2015.08  美国Technip公司,流花油田TLP平台基本设计

3. 2009.09-2011.08  中海石油研究中心/中国科学院力学研究所,博士后





期刊审稿人:Ocean EngineeringPhysics of FluidsJMSE、 JMSA等。







1. 本科生课程:流体力学、海洋工程结构建造与施工、船舶与海洋工程结构建造安装

2. 研究生课程:高等流体力学、海洋工程结构设计与分析、海洋工程应用软件、论文写作指导



















18.国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目:多场多体多尺度耦合及其对海工装备性能与安全的影响机制(52088102) (骨干)

19.国家自然科学基金重大项目:深海浮体/系缆/立管运动的耦合动力分析方法(51490675) (骨干)


















1.Junrong Wang, Qiangbo Chang, Zhenyang He, Wenbin Wu. Numerical investigation on motion responses of high-speed self-propelled submersible subject to internal solitary wave, Physics of Fluids 36, 123106 (2024)

2.Junrong Wang; Chenchen Shi; Hong-Du Wang; Chunlei He; Dynamic analysis and swing suppression method of a “Mooring-HLC-Cargo” coupled system, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 295: 116840.

3.Junrong Wang; Zhenyang He; Botao Xie; Chen Zhuang; Wenbin Wu; Numerical investigation on the interaction between internal solitary wave and self-propelled submersible, Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 107119.

4.Junrong Wang*; Chunlei He; Dezhi Wang; Kuang He; Zhenyang He; Min Zhang; Kun Xu; Investigation of second-order low-frequency wave forces approximations for moored floating structures, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 282: 114987.

5.Junrong Wang, Kuang He, Botao Xie, Chunlei He, Wenbin Wu,A coupled analysis approach for a moored floating structure subject to internal solitary waves and surface waves,Ocean Engineering,Volume 306,2024,118029.

6.Junfeng Du, Hongchao Wang, Shuqing Wang, Xiancang Song, Junrong Wang, Anteng Chang,Fatigue damage assessment of mooring lines under the effect of wave climate change and marine corrosion,Ocean Engineering,Volume 206,2020,107303.

7.Tongshun Yu; Xingyu Chen; Yuying Tang; Junrong Wang*; Yuqiao Wang; Shuting Huang; Numerical modelling of wave run-up heights and loads on multi-degree-of-freedom buoy wave energy converters, Applied Energy, 2023, 344: 121255.

8.Du Junfeng; Chang Anteng; Wang, Shuqing; Sun Mingyuan; Wang Junrong*; Li Huajun; Multi-mode reliability analysis of mooring system of deep-water floating structures, Ocean Engineering, 2019, 192: 106517.

9.He Zhenyang, Wenbin Wu, Junrong Wang*, Lan Ding, Qiangbo Chang, and Yahao Huang; Investigations into Motion Responses of Suspended Submersible in Internal Solitary Wave Field, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024, 12(4), 5962.

10.Junrong Wang; Chunlei He; Dianfu Fu; Kuang He; Junfeng Du; An Out-of-Plane Bending Fatigue Assessment Approach for Offshore Mooring Chains Considering the Real-Time Updating of Interlink Bending Stiffness, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024, 12(1): 131.

11.Wang, J., Bai, Z., Xie, B. et al. Improved Inverse First-Order Reliability Method for Analyzing Long-Term Response Extremes of Floating Structures. J. Marine. Sci. Appl. (2024). 

12.Li, Da, Botao Xie, Tao Liu, Zhuolantai Bai, Bigui Huang, Junrong Wang*. Response Extremes of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Based on Inverse Reliability and Environmental Contour Method. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2024; 12(6):1032.



1. 一种多浮体模块重力式交叉连接装置及其设计与安装方法,ZL202211480691.02024.07,发明专利

2. 定常流稳态波造波装置及对应波的波长和波高的获取方法,ZL201910652348.12024.01,发明专利

3. 新型张力腿型浮式风电平台及其安装方法,ZL202311332591.82023.10,发明专利

4. 一种海洋浮式结构物内孤立波流固耦合运动实验装置,ZL202222578214.X2023.04,实用新型

5. 基于聚类分析的波浪散布图组块自动划分方法,ZL202010571415.X2023.10,发明专利

6. 一种基于温度场分析的浮式液化天然气装置液舱优化方法,ZL201810225146.42022.02,发明专利

7. 一种预报海洋平台长期响应极值的方法,ZL202110015282.22022.10,发明专利

8. 一种辅助海上大型导管架拆除的可拆卸装置,ZL202110390315.12022.09,发明专利

9. 一种深水浮式多功能干树半潜平台及其海上安装方法,ZL201710873116.X2021.09,发明专利

10. 一种多浮体模块重力式交叉连接装置及其设计与安装方法,ZL202211480691.02022.11,发明专利

11. 一种水池模型试验系泊缆预张力自动调整方法,ZL201811373175.12021.02发明专利

12. 一种估计张力腿平台在横浪作用下张力极值的方法,ZL202110015284.12021.01发明专利

13. 定常流稳态波造波装置,ZL201921133609.02020.02,国家实用新型

14. 海洋浮式结构物水池试验模型大空间光学运动测量方法,ZL201910554031.42020.08,发明专利

15. 预测深水半潜式钻井平台慢漂运动的方法,ZL201110366000.X2013.10,发明专利

16. 一种应用于浮式平台的内波流载荷获取方法,ZL2015103792972015.10,发明专利

17. 半潜式平台总体运动响应简化分析系统(SMASS),2010SR0727842010.12软件著作权

18. 浮式结构物波浪载荷计算软件V1.02024SR0284964软件著作权

19. 浮式结构物内孤立波载荷计算软件V1.02024SR021155软件著作权

20. 浮式平台系泊断缆瞬态响应分析软件V1.02024SR0212561软件著作权

21. 系泊锚链TT-OPB-IPB组合疲劳分析软件V1.02023SR0233973软件著作权

22. 系泊锚链TT疲劳分析软件V1.02023SR0233974软件著作权

18. Grouting and Welding Combined Connection Joint Applied To A Deepwater Floating Type Platform and An Offshore Installation Method Thereof, US9032896B2, 2015.05, 美国发明专利

19. Integrative Deep Draft floating production platform with unconditional stability and offshore installation method thereof, US8733266B2, 2014.05, 美国发明专利

20. 深水悬链线系泊缆的结构设计优化方法,ZL201310188897.02016.03.16,发明专利

21. 深水浮式平台灌浆与焊接组合连接节点及其海上施工方法, ZL201410244650.02014.09,发明专利

22. 利用交叉模型交叉模态的结构模型修正方法,ZL200610171049.92009.03发明专利

23. 无条件稳性整装型深吃水浮式采油平台及其海上安装方法,ZL201010199308.52012.06,发明专利

24. 一种浮式生产平台,ZL2015103986272015.10,发明专利

25. 一种深吃水桁架立柱组合式平台,ZL201010139786.72012.03,发明专利

26. 基于伸缩式刚性管的FLNG串靠外输设备,ZL201420337115.52014.11,发明专利

27. 水面以下储油的半潜式生产平台,ZL201210187005.02012.10,发明专利

28. 一种基于伸缩式刚性管的FLNG串靠外输设备,ZL201410283447.42016.06.15,发明专利

29. 钻井与储油兼顾的浮式生产平台,ZL2012101869862015.05,发明专利

30. 一种大型浮式液化天然气生产储卸装置,ZL201410561804.92017.02.01,发明专利

31. 一种大型液化石油天然气船水池试验侧推功能模拟装置,ZL201510146486.42017.03.15,发明专利

32. 一种水池模型实验的多艘船舶旁靠定位系统的模拟装置,ZL201510194531.32017.03.15,发明专利

33. 线控脱落式深水平台软舱加载系统,ZL201210186891.52012.10,发明专利

34. 浮筒模型首摇惯量校核装置,ZL201210187356.12012.10,发明专利

35. 一种橇装的天然气液化装置,ZL2015102960482015.10,发明专利

36. 深水浮式平台灌浆与焊接组合连接节点,ZL201420294200.82014.11.05,实用新型

37. 浮式生产平台,ZL2015204908532015.12,实用新型

38. 一种深吃水桁架立柱组合式平台,ZL201020153143.32010.08,实用新型

39. 一种无条件稳性整装型深吃水浮式采油平台,ZL201020224625.3, 2011.09,实用新型

40. 基于伸缩式刚性管的FLNG串靠外输设备,ZL201420337115.52015.04,实用新型

41. 一种水面以下储油的半潜式生产平台,ZL201220267980.82013.02,实用新型

42. 一种钻井与储油兼顾的浮式生产平台,ZL201220268078.82013.02,实用新型

43. 大型浮式液化天然气生产储卸装置,ZL2014206097932016.01,实用新型

44. 一种大型液化石油天然气船水池试验侧推功能模拟装置,ZL2015201891962015.07,实用新型

45. 一种水池模型实验的多艘船舶旁靠定位系统的模拟装置,ZL2015202481532015.10,实用新型

46. 一种线控脱落式深水平台软舱加载系统,ZL201220267915.52013.02,实用新型

47. 一种浮筒模型首摇惯量校核装置,ZL201220267930.X2013.02,实用新型

48. 模拟浮式晃动条件的装置,ZL201520372349.82015.09.09,实用新型


1. 超深水半潜式钻井平台研发与应用,国家科技进步奖特等奖2015(集体奖)

2. 海洋工程设施安全与防灾关键技术研究及工程应用,山东省科技进步一等奖,2009

3. 大型半潜式平台设计分析关键技术及工程应用,教育部科技进步二等奖,2019

4. 3000 米水深第六代半潜式钻井平台关键技术研究及工程应用,中海油研究总院科技进步一等奖, 2013

5. 深水半潜式钻井平台结构与浮体设计技术发明与应用,中海油研究总院技术发明二等奖,2014

6. 张力腿平台总尺度规划软件应用及拓展研究,中海油研究总院科技进步二等,2014

7. 深水浮式平台检测技术研究及工程应用,中海油研究总院科技进步二等奖2015

8. 深水浮体系泊系统优化设计方法及应用,中海油研究总院科技进步一等奖,2016

9. 新型FDPSO装置设计技术及创新,中海油研究总院科技进步二等奖,2016


1. 全国高校黄大年式教师团队核心成员,2023

2. 中国海洋工程设计大赛优秀指导教师,2023

3. 中国海洋大学本科毕业设计优秀指导教师, 2023

4. 中国海洋大学SRDP优秀指导教师,2023


1. 《深水半潜式钻井平台设计与建造技术》,参与,石油工业出版社,2013-8

2. 《海上浮式液化天然气生产装置及关键技术》,参与,中国石化出版社,2016-5

3. 《深水半潜式钻井平台关键技术研究》,参与,上海交通大学出版社,2014-4

4. 《深水浮式平台-钻完井管柱-防喷器系统安全设计与操作手册》,科学出版社,参与,2017-12

5. 《浮式结构物定位系统设计与分析》 中华人民共和国石油天然气行业标准SY/T 10040—2010,参与,2010-5

Name: Junrong Wang

Title: Professor

Department: Dept. of Ocean Engineering 

Address: College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100 

E-mail: wangjunrong@ouc.edu.cn

Office Phone No.:  0086-532-60895310


1. 2004.09-2009.07 Ocean University of ChinaHarborCoastal and Offshore Engineering, Ph.D

2. 2000.09-2004.06 Ocean University of ChinaHarborWaterway and Coastal Engineering, Bachelor

Work Experience

1. 2018.05-Now, Associate professor, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

2. 2011.9-2018.05Naval Architect, Senior Engineer, CNOOC Key Lab. Of  Deepwater Engineering, CNOOC Institute

a) 2013.09-2013.12  DMAR Engineering, Inc., Houston, TX, USABasic design of deepwater floating platform

b) 2015.05-2015.08  Technip, Houston, TX, USAFEED of Liuhua TLP

3. 2009.09-2011.08  CNOOC Research Center / Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Post-doctor


Research Interests

1. Hydrodynamics and coupled analysis of deepwater floating system 

2. Damage detection and model updating based on modal testing

3. Design and analysis of offshore structures


Fluid mechanics, Construction and Installation of Offshore Structures, Design of offshore structuresOffshore Engineering Application Software

Research Projects

2019.01-2023.12, Study on fluid-body coupling and loading-response mechanism of internal solitary wave and floating structures, supported by NSFC (No. 51879287).

2021.01- 2025.12, Multi-Field, Multi-Body, Multi-Scale Coupling and Its Impact Mechanism on the Performance and Safety of Offshore Engineering Equipment, supported by NSFC (No. 52088102).

Selected Publications

1.Junrong Wang, Qiangbo Chang, Zhenyang He, Wenbin Wu. Numerical investigation on motion responses of high-speed self-propelled submersible subject to internal solitary wave, Physics of Fluids 36, 123106 (2024)

2.Junrong Wang; Chenchen Shi; Hong-Du Wang; Chunlei He; Dynamic analysis and swing suppression method of a “Mooring-HLC-Cargo” coupled system, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 295: 116840.

3.Junrong Wang; Zhenyang He; Botao Xie; Chen Zhuang; Wenbin Wu; Numerical investigation on the interaction between internal solitary wave and self-propelled submersible, Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 107119.

4.Junrong Wang*; Chunlei He; Dezhi Wang; Kuang He; Zhenyang He; Min Zhang; Kun Xu; Investigation of second-order low-frequency wave forces approximations for moored floating structures, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 282: 114987.

5.Junrong Wang, Kuang He, Botao Xie, Chunlei He, Wenbin Wu,A coupled analysis approach for a moored floating structure subject to internal solitary waves and surface waves,Ocean Engineering,Volume 306,2024,118029.

6.Junfeng Du, Hongchao Wang, Shuqing Wang, Xiancang Song, Junrong Wang, Anteng Chang,Fatigue damage assessment of mooring lines under the effect of wave climate change and marine corrosion,Ocean Engineering,Volume 206,2020,107303.

7.Tongshun Yu; Xingyu Chen; Yuying Tang; Junrong Wang*; Yuqiao Wang; Shuting Huang; Numerical modelling of wave run-up heights and loads on multi-degree-of-freedom buoy wave energy converters, Applied Energy, 2023, 344: 121255.

8.Du Junfeng; Chang Anteng; Wang, Shuqing; Sun Mingyuan; Wang Junrong*; Li Huajun; Multi-mode reliability analysis of mooring system of deep-water floating structures, Ocean Engineering, 2019, 192: 106517.

9.He Zhenyang, Wenbin Wu, Junrong Wang*, Lan Ding, Qiangbo Chang, and Yahao Huang; Investigations into Motion Responses of Suspended Submersible in Internal Solitary Wave Field, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024, 12(4), 5962.

10.Junrong Wang; Chunlei He; Dianfu Fu; Kuang He; Junfeng Du; An Out-of-Plane Bending Fatigue Assessment Approach for Offshore Mooring Chains Considering the Real-Time Updating of Interlink Bending Stiffness, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024, 12(1): 131.

11.Wang, J., Bai, Z., Xie, B. et al. Improved Inverse First-Order Reliability Method for Analyzing Long-Term Response Extremes of Floating Structures. J. Marine. Sci. Appl. (2024).

12.Li, Da, Botao Xie, Tao Liu, Zhuolantai Bai, Bigui Huang, Junrong Wang*. Response Extremes of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Based on Inverse Reliability and Environmental Contour Method. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2024; 12(6):1032.

Selected Patents

1. A multi-floating body modular gravity-type cross-connection device and its design and installation method,ZL202211480691.0,2024.07.

2. A steady-flow wave-making device for generating steady-state waves and the method for obtaining the corresponding wave's wavelength and wave height, ZL201910652348.1, 2024.01

3. A new type of tension leg floating wind power platform and its installation method, ZL202311332591.8, 2023.10

4.An experimental device for internal solitary wave flow-structure coupling motion in marine floating structures, ZL202222578214.X, 2023.04

5. An automatic wave scatter diagram segmentation method based on cluster analysis, ZL202010571415.X, 2023.10

6.An optimization method for the liquid cargo tank of a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) unit based on temperature field analysis, ZL201810225146.4, 2022.02

7. A method for predicting the long-term extreme response of an offshore platform, ZL202110015282.2, 2022.10

8. A detachable device for assisting in the dismantling of large offshore jacket platforms, ZL202110390315.1, 2022.09

9. A deepwater floating multifunctional dry-tree semi-submersible platform and its offshore installation method, ZL201710873116.X, 2021.09

10. A multi-floating module gravity cross-connection device and design and installation method thereofZL202211480691.02022.11

10. A multi-floating body modular gravity-type cross-connection device and its design and installation method, ZL202211480691.0, 2022.11

11. An automatic adjustment method for pre-tensioning mooring cables in a tank model test, ZL201811373175.1, 2021.02

12. A method for estimating the tension extremes of a tension leg platform under transverse wave action, ZL202110015284.1, 2021.01

13. A steady-flow steady-state wave-making device, ZL201921133609.0, 2020.02

14. A large-space optical motion measurement method for tank test models of marine floating structures, ZL201910554031.4, 2020.08

15. A method for prediction of slow drifting of deepwater semi MODU, ZL201110366000.X, 2013.10

16. A method for calculating internal solitary wave loading of deepwater floating structures, ZL201510379297, 2015.10

17. A simplified system for global motion analysis of semisubmersible platform(SMASS), 2010SR072784, 2010.12

18. Wave load calculation software for floating structures V1.0, 2024SR0284964,2023.06

19.Software for calculating solitary wave loads on floating structures V1.0, 2024SR021155,2023.04

20. Software for transient response analysis of mooring line breakage in floating platforms V1.0, 2024SR0212561,2023.08

21. Mooring anchor chain TT-OPB-IPB combined fatigue analysis software V1.0, 2023SR0233973,2022.09

22. Mooring anchor chain TT fatigue analysis software V1.0, 2023SR0233974,2022.09

23. Grouting and Welding Combined Connection Joint Applied To A Deepwater Floating Type Platform and An Offshore Installation Method Thereof, US9032896B2, 2015.05, USA Patent

24. Integrative Deep Draft floating production platform with unconditional stability and offshore installation method thereof, US8733266B2, 2014.05, USA Patent

25. Design optimization method of deep water catenary mooring system, ZL201310188897.0, 2016.03.16