




通讯地址:青岛松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院



[1] 2004-2008中国海洋大学 数学与应用数学学学士
[2] 2008-2010中国海洋大学 应用数学(统计)硕士

[3] 2010-2013中国海洋大学 港口、海岸及近海工程工学博士



[1] 2013.07-2017.12  中国海洋大学工程学院讲师
[2] 2018.01-至今中国海洋大学工程学院副教授

[3] 2013.07-2016.05,中国海洋大学,物理海洋学,师资博士后



[2] 海岸及近海工程结构可靠性分析。



[1] 本科生课程:《港口工程结构可靠度》、《工程水文学》
[2] 研究生课程:《数学物理方法》、《可靠性与风险分析》、《数值计算方法》、《随机水文学》


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,台风时空点过程下海洋平台的维修策略研究主持;

[2] 山东省自然科学基金青年基金,台风标值点过程及其在海洋平台防护中的应用研究,主持;

[3] 中国海洋大学青年教师科研专项基金基于全概率方法的海洋平台结构时变可靠度研究主持;

[4] NSFC-山东联合基金重点支持项目,山东沿岸多源风暴潮致灾机理与防灾对策研究,参加;

[5] 国家重点研发计划,极地海洋环境条件研究,参加;

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,多维最大熵分布及其在南海平台防灾设计中的应用研究,参加;

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,老龄平台加固延寿中的极端环境要素设计标准研究,参加;

[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,北极巴伦支海浮式平台结构设计的环境条件研究,参加




[1] Tao Shanshan, Dong Sheng, Wang Nannan, and Jiang Wensheng. Estimation of design sea ice thickness with maximum entropy distribution by particle swarm optimization method. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2016, 15 (3): 423–428. (SCI)

[2] Tao Shanshan, Dong Sheng, Wang Nannan, and Guedes Soares C. Estimating storm surge intensity with Poisson bivariate maximum entropy distributions based on copulas. Natural Hazards, 2013, 68: 791-807. (SCI)

[3] Dong Sheng, Jiao Chunshuo, Tao Shanshan. Joint return probability analysis of wind speed and rainfall intensity in typhoon-affected sea area. Natural Hazards, 2017, 86:1193–1205. (SCI, 通讯作者)

[4] Dong Sheng, Zhai Jinjin, Tao Shanshan. Long-term statistics of extreme tsunami height at Crescent City. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2017, 16 (3): 437–446. (SCI, 通讯作者)

[5] Dong Sheng, Huang Weinan, Li Xue, Tao Shanshan. Study on temporal and spatial characteristics of cold waves in Shandong Province of China. Natural Hazards, 2017, 88: 191–219. (SCI, 通讯作者)

[6] Dong Sheng, Chen Chengchao, Tao Shanshan. Joint probability design of marine environmental elements for wind turbines. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42: 18595–18601. (SCI, 通讯作者)

[7] Dong Sheng, Tao Shanshan, Li Xue, and Guedes Soares C. Trivariate maximum entropy distribution of significant wave height, wind speed and relative direction. Renewable Energy, 2015, 78: 538-549. (SCI)

[8] Dong S, Tao S S, Chen C C, and Guedes Soares C. Interval estimations of return wave height based on maximum entropy distribution. Journal of Coastal Research, 2014, 30(5): 967-974. (SCI)

[9] Dong S, Tao S S, Lei S H, and Guedes Soares C. Parameter estimation of the maximum entropy distribution of significant wave height. Journal of Coastal Research, 2013, 29(3): 597-604. (SCI)

[10] Dong S, Fan D Q, and Tao S S. Joint occurrence period of wind speed and wave height based on both service term and risk probability. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2012, 11(4): 488–494. (SCI)

[11] 陶山山, 董胜. 渤海北部海区冰厚设计参数的区间估计. 工程力学. 2013, 30(7): 294-298. (EI)

[12] Co-occurrence probability analysis of sea ice at Yingkou and Huludao observation stations of China. OMAE2017-61356.EI, 第一作者,第二标注)

[13] Return volumes of sudden siltation occurred in outside waterway of Huanghua Port. OMAE2017- 61353.EI, 通讯作者)

[14] Tao S S, Dong S, and Xu Y H. Design parameter estimation of wave height and wind speed with bivariate copulas. The Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Polar Engineering, Nantes, France, OMAE10519, 2013. (EI)

[15] Tao S S, Dong S, Lei S H, and Guedes Soares C. Interval estimation of return wave height for marine structural design. The Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Polar Engineering, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, OMAE49421, 2011. (EI)

[16] Ji Q L, Dong S, Cao S J, and Tao S S. Coincidence risk of extreme storm surges occurred in adjacent bays of Bohai Sea. The Proceedings of 20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, 2010, 883–887. (EI)

[17] 陶山山, 董胜, 冯亮. 南海导管架平台的三维嵌套逻辑模型设计. 船舶力学.  录用. (EI)



[1] 实用新型专利. 近岸风、浪、流和水位监测集成装置. 第三位.

[2] 实用新型专利. 一种混凝土耐久性试验加载装置. 第三位.

[3] 软件注册权. 台风区块查询软件V1.0. 第一位.

[4] 软件注册权. 冰厚重现期的极大似然法区间估计. 第三位.



Resume in English

Name: Tao Shanshan

Title: Associate Professor

Department: Ocean Engineering

Address: College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100

Office Phone:

E-mail: taoshanyilu@126.com



[1]2010.09-2013.06   Department of Ocean Engineering, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China (Doctor degree), Supervisor: Dong Sheng;

[2]2008.09-2010.06   College of Mathematical Sciences, Ocean University of China (Master degree), Supervisor: Lei Shuhe;

[3]2004.09-2008.06   College of Mathematical Sciences, Ocean University of China (Bachelor degree).


Work Experience

[1]2013.07 -2017.01Lecturer,Department of Ocean Engineering, College of Engineering , Ocean University of China;
[22018.07 -Now     Associate Professor, Department of Ocean Engineering, College of Engineering , Ocean University of China.


Research Interests

[1]Statistical analysis and joint design of ocean environmental elements;

[2]Reliability analysis of coastal and ocean engineering structures.