



职称/职务:  讲师

专业:  机电工程系

通讯地址:青岛松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院

电子信箱: lengdingxin@126.com

办公室电话: 0532-66781131


1.2004.9-2008.7 哈尔滨工业大学 汽车工程学院 车辆工程系

2.2008.9-2015.7 北京航空航天大学 交通科学与工程学院 车辆工程系

3.2012.9-2014.3 University of Nevada, Reno Mechanical Engineering Lab of Smart and composite Materials

1.2015.7-至今 中国海洋大学 工程学院 机电工程系

1. 智能/复合材料与结构的减振、吸能机理;

2. 多物理场耦合数值建模





1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金  面向波浪载荷的磁流变弹性体减振耗能机理研究

2. 中国博士后基金  磁流变弹性体冲击波衰减机理及场响应特性研究

3. 山东省博士后基金 基于颗粒链模型的磁敏弹性体耗能机理研究及减振应用

4. 河南省水下智能装备重点实验室开放基金 橡胶减震器材料非线性蠕变损伤及蠕变累积效应预示方法研究  





1. Dingxin Leng, Tongtong Wu, Guijie Liu, et al. Tunable isolator based on magnetorheological elastomer in coupling shear-squeeze mixed mode. Journal of Intelligent Material systems and structures. 2018. 29(10): 2236-2248. SCI收录, JCR-Q2区,IF2.255

2. Dingxin Leng, Guijie Liu, Lingyu Sun. Tuable evolutions of shock absorption and energy partitioning in magnetic granular chains. International Journal of Mordern Physics B. 2018, 32(15): 1850001.SCI收录 IF0.736

3. Dingxin Leng, Guijie Liu, Lingyu Sun, Xiaojie Wang. Wave propagation characteristics of a magnetic granular chain, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017, 406:89-103.SCI收录,JCR-Q1区,IF2.107

4. Dingxin Leng, Xiaojie Wang, Lingyu Sun, et al. Shock attenuation mechanisms of magnetorheological elastomers absorbers: A theoretical analysis. Journal of composite materials, 2017. 51(5): 721-730 SCI收录,JCR-Q2区, IF1.493

5. Dingxin Leng, Xiaojie Wang, Guijie Liu, Lingyu Sun. Impulse absorption by horizontal magnetic granular chain. AIP advance, 2016, 6(2): 108001 SCI收录,IF1.568

6. Leng, DingxinSun, LingyuGordaninejad, FaramarzBayat, AlirezaLin, YiThe dynamic performance of magnetic-sensitive elastomers under impact loadingSmart Materials and Structures2015244. (SCI收录,JCR-Q1区,IF2.963Featured Article)

7. Leng Dingxin Sun Lingyu Lin YiEnergy absorption characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotubesJournal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition2013.4.01282) :249~255 SCI收录)




Resume in English

Dingxin Leng             
Title: Lecture

Department: Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Address: Engineering College, Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100
Office Phone   86-532-66781131
E-mail lengdingxin@126.com 


2004.9 – 2008.7 Harbin Institute of Technology, Automobile College, Automobile Engineering

2008.9 – 2015.7 Beihang University, School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Automobile Engineering

Work Experience
2015.7 -Now     Work in, Engineering College, Ocean University of China

Research Interests / responsibilities.
The vibration control and energy dissipation of smart materials and composites;

Multi-physics coupling modeling


Engineering simulation and numerical methods; Mechanical Engineering

Research Projects

1. China National Science Foundation, The vibration reduction mechanisms of the magnetorheological elastomer under wave loadings

2. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, The energy dissipation mechanisms and field-induced responses of magnetorheological elastomer

3. Shandong Province Postdoctoral Science Foundation, The vibration mitigation of magnetorheological elastomer by chain-like model and its applications

4. Heinan Key Laboratory of Underwater Intelligent Equipment, Nonlinear creep failure performances of rubber isolator

Major Publication:
1. Dingxin Leng, Tongtong Wu, Guijie Liu, et al. Tunable isolator based on magnetorheological elastomer in coupling shear-squeeze mixed mode. Journal of Intelligent Material systems and structures. 2018. 29(10): 2236-2248. SCI收录, JCR-Q2区,IF2.255

2. Dingxin Leng, Guijie Liu, Lingyu Sun. Tuable evolutions of shock absorption and energy partitioning in magnetic granular chains. International Journal of Mordern Physics B. 2018, 32(15): 1850001.SCI收录)

3. Dingxin Leng, Guijie Liu, Lingyu Sun, Xiaojie Wang. Wave propagation characteristics of a magnetic granular chain, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017, 406:89-103.SCI收录,JCR-Q1区,IF2.107

4. Dingxin Leng, Xiaojie Wang, Lingyu Sun, et al. Shock attenuation mechanisms of magnetorheological elastomers absorbers: A theoretical analysis. Journal of composite materials, 2017. 51(5): 721-730 SCI收录,JCR-Q2区, IF1.493

5. Dingxin Leng, Xiaojie Wang, Guijie Liu, Lingyu Sun. Impulse absorption by horizontal magnetic granular chain. AIP advance, 2016, 6(2): 108001 SCI收录,IF1.568

6. Leng, DingxinSun, LingyuGordaninejad, FaramarzBayat, AlirezaLin, YiThe dynamic performance of magnetic-sensitive elastomers under impact loadingSmart Materials and Structures2015244. (SCI收录,JCR-Q1区,IF2.963Featured Article)

7. Leng Dingxin Sun Lingyu Lin YiEnergy absorption characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotubesJournal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition2013.4.01282) :249~255 SCI收录)