

姓名: 刘兰军



所在单位:工程学院 自动化及测控系




1. 1998.09-2002.07,青岛海洋大学工程学院机电工程系自动化专业,本科,工学学士

2. 2002.09-2005.07,青岛海洋大学(2002.10更名为中国海洋大学)工程学院机电工程系信号与信息处理专业,研究生,工学硕士

3. 2005.09-2009.07,北京科技大学信息工程学院计算机系计算机应用技术专业,研究生,工学博士


1. 2009.07-2011.07,中国海洋大学工程学院自动化及测控系教师,讲师

2. 2011.08-2014.11,中国海洋大学工程学院自动化及测控系教师,讲师,硕士生导师

3. 2014.12-2016.10,中国海洋大学工程学院自动化及测控系教师,副教授,硕士生导师

4. 2016.11-今,中国海洋大学工程学院自动化及测控系教师,副教授,硕士生导师,副系主任


1. 嵌入式技术与智能仪器

2. 智能感知与信息处理

3. 智能信号处理与系统

4. 水下精密实时感知

5. 智能自适应水声通信


1. 本科生课程:嵌入式系统原理及接口技术、SOPC原理及应用、现场总线技术、工业控制网络技术、嵌入式系统综合实训-单片机方向、电子技术课程设计、数字电子技术基础、自动化技术漫谈

2. 研究生课程:SOPC原理及应用


1. 山东省自动化学会会员,理事

2. 中国地球物理学会会员

3. 中国地质学会会员

4. 青岛海洋原位观测系统专家工作站首席专家

5. 《中国海洋大学学报》、《海洋技术学报》、《China Ocean Engineering》、《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》、《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》、《IEEE Sensors Journal》、《IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine》、《IEEE Access》、《Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies》、《Sensors》等学术期刊审稿人


1. 201912月,中华人民共和国教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术):科学技术进步奖,二等奖,深水大功率电磁探测技术与装备研发与应用,第三获奖人

2. 20189月,山东省地球物理科学技术奖,一等奖,深海电磁采集站及应用,第二获奖人

3. 20161月,研制的海洋电磁探测技术相关成果入选“2015年度中国海洋与湖沼十大科技进展”

4. 20223月,研制的海底实时多参数总控与数据传输技术相关成果入选“2021年度中国地质学会十大地质科技进展”

5. 20181月,山东省省级教学成果奖,二等奖,“夯实工科基础,突出海洋特色,构建“本色+特色”的π型自动化人才培养模式”,第三获奖人

6. 20234月,第三届全国高校自动化类专业青年教师实验设备设计“创客大赛”铜奖,“电力电子技术半实物实验系统”,第三获奖人

7. 20234月,山东省自动化学会教学成果奖,二等奖,“自动化专业课程思政建设的探索与实践”,第五获奖人

8. 20225月,2022年度中国海洋大学教师教学创新大赛,二等奖,“数字电子技术基础”,第二获奖人

9. 20215月,参加建设山东省课程思政示范课程《自动化技术漫谈》,排名第三

10. 20218月,参加建设山东省一流本科课程《数字电子技术基础》,排名第二

11. 202212月,参加建设山东省普通高等教育课程思政示范课程《数字电子技术基础》,排名第二



1. 6000米水深新型海底电磁采集站关键技术研究,青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室开放基金,100万元,2017.4-2020.3,项目负责人

2. 海洋************方法研究,横向项目,120万元,2020.11-2022.12,项目负责人

3. 可搭载水下滑翔机/Argo浮标的水下电磁传感器研制,青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室问海计划项目,433万元,2018.1-2019.12,课题负责人

4. 深水可控源电磁勘探系统开发-海洋可控源水下系统装备研制和理论研究,国家863计划,2200万元,2012.01-2016.12,海底电磁采集站电磁数据记录系统研制执行负责人

5. 高速无人船关键技术研究与装备研制,国家重点研发计划,702万元,2017.11-2021.12,项目校内负责人

6. 试采区土力学性质原位监测技术与装置,国家重点研发计划,365万元,2017.11-2021.6,子课题负责人

7. 复杂深海工程地质原位长期观测设备研制,国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目,920万元,2015.01-2019.12,子课题负责人

8. 海洋矿产资源电磁探测和高光谱成像关键技术及设备研发,山东省重点研发计划项目(重大科技创新工程),524万元,2021.11-2023.12,电磁数据记录系统研制负责人

9. 海上施工作业技术与装备研发,山东省重点研发计划项目(重大科技创新工程),8240万元,2021.12-2024.12,主要参加人

10. 缩比模型水下低频电磁场耦合分析及补偿试验设备研制,横向项目,82.4万元,2022.07-2022.12,电磁数据记录系统研制负责人

11. 深海电场观测系统关键技术研究,山东省科技发展计划,20万元,2012.01-2013.12,深海电场记录仪系统研制执行负责人

12. 页岩气勘探开发工艺与技术装备,青岛市战略性新兴产业培育计划项目,200万元,2013.09-2015.09,项目校内负责人

13. 大型资料浮标集成技术研发,国家海洋局,324万元,2009.12-2010.12,硬件系统研制执行负责人


















1.  Lanjun Liu, Hui Ren, Hao Zhao, Jiong Niu, Jialin Chen, and Junfeng Wang, An Adaptive Multi-Mode Underwater Acoustic Communication System Using OSDM and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Modulation, IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 56277-56291.SCI期刊)

2.  Liu Lanjun, Liao Zhibo, Chen Caiyi, Chen Jialin, Niu Jiong, Jia Yonggang, Guo Xiujun, Chen Zhaowei, Deng Li, Xu Haibo, Liu Tao, A Seabed Real-Time Sensing System for In-Situ Long-Term Multi-Parameter Observation Applications, Sensors, 2019, 19(5): 1255.SCI期刊)

3.  Lanjun Liu, Hao Zhao, Ming Li, Lin Zhou, Jiucai Jin, Jie Zhang, Zhichao Lv, Hui Ren and Jicun Mao, Modelling and Simulation of Pseudo-Noise Sequence-Based Underwater Acoustic OSDM Communication System, Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(10): 2063.SCI期刊)

4.  Lanjun Liu, Jianfen Li, Lin Zhou, Peng Zhai, Hao Zhao, Jiucai Jin, Zhichao Lv. An underwater acoustic direct sequence spread spectrum communication system using dual spread spectrum code. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2018, 19(8): 972-983.SCI期刊)

5.  Jialin Chen, Yonghong Lu, Lanjun Liu, Haibo Xu. Self-repairing nanoporous MCNT/Ag/AgCl composite electrode as a low-cost and long-term stable marine potentiometric sensor. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2022, 368: 132166.SCI期刊)

6.  XianghuaWang, Chee Pin Tan, Lanjun Liu, Qingyuan Qi, A novel unknown input interval observer for systems not satisfying relative degree condition, Int J Robust Nonlinear Control, 2021, 31: 2762-2782. SCI期刊)

7.  Ma Jinshuai, Jin Jiucai, Liu Deqing, Liu Lanjun, Wang Dong, Chen Mingzhi, An improved adaptive dynamic window algorithm for target tracking of unmanned surface vehicles, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC2021, Xi'an, China, Aug. 17-19, 2021.EI会议)

8.  Xie Peng, Liu Lanjun, Chen Jialin, Li Ming, Yuan Yibo, Qiang Jiachen, Marine Electric Field Signal Amplification Circuit with Ultra Low Noise and High Input Impedance, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC2021, Xi'an, China, Aug. 17-19, 2021.EI会议)

9.  Lanjun Liu, Hui Ren, Peng Zhai, Jiong Niu, Hao Zhao, Jicun Mao. Chaotic Composite Spread Spectrum Sequence Based PAPR Suppression for Underwater Acoustic MC-CDMA Communication System. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2019, Dalian, China, September 20-23, 2019.EI会议)

10.  Lanjun Liu, Li Deng, Jialin Chen, Pingping Fan, Caiyi Chen, Yongqing Zhai. Relationship Modeling between Nitrogen Phosphorus Content and Near-infrared Spectrum of Offshore Sediments. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2019, Dalian, China, September 20-23, 2019.EI会议)

11.  Lanjun Liu, Caiyi Chen, Li Deng, Pingping Fan, Zhibo Liao, Zhaowei Chen. ANN Based Relationship Modeling of Submarine Sedimentary Soil Properties and Resistivity. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal, Information and Data Processing, ICSIDP 2019, Chongqing, China, December 11-13, 2019.EI会议)

12. Liu Lanjun, Zhao Hao, Niu Jiong, Zhou Lin, Lv Zhichao, Jin Jiucai, Zhang Jie, Wang Junfeng, OSDM based adaptive multi-mode underwater acoustic communication system, the 13th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, WUWNet 2018, Shenzhen, China, 2018.12.3-12.5EI会议)

13. Lanjun Liu, Hao Zhao, Lin Zhou , Jiucai Jin, Jie Zhang , Zhichao Lv .PN Sequence based Underwater Acoustic Orthogonal Signal-Division Multiplex Communication System. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2018, Qingdao, China, September 14-16, 2018.EI会议)

14. Lanjun Liu, Peng Zhai, Lin Zhou, Jianfen Li, Jiucai Jin, Jie Zhang, Zhichao Lv. A Carrier Interleaved Underwater Acoustic MC-CDMA Communication System Using Complete Complementary Sequence[C]. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2017, Xiamen, China, 2017.10EI会议)

15. Lanjun Liu, Jianfen Li, Lin Zhou, Peng Zhai, Jiucai Jin, Jie Zhang, Zhichao Lv. A SC-DS-CDMA Underwater Acoustic Communication System Using Dual Spread Spectrum Code [C]. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2017, Xiamen, China, 2017.10EI会议)

16. Hengliang Wang, Lanjun Liu, Jialin Chen, Ming Li, Yuguo Li, Jianxin Pei, Gang Wang, Guihao Liu. Design of a marine electric field acquisition system with electrode range automatic compensation[C]. OCEANS’16 MTS/IEEE Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2016.4 EI会议)

17. Liu LanjunZhang YongleiZhang PengchengZhou LinLi JianfenJin JiucaiZhang JieLv Zhichao. PN sequence based Doppler and channel estimation for underwater acoustic OFDM communication[C]. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2016, Hong Kong, China, 2016.8EI会议)

18. Liu Lanjun, Zhang Yonglei, Zhang Pengcheng, Zhou Lin, Niu Jiong. Channel coding for underwater acoustic single-carrier CDMA communication system[C]. 7th International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering, ICEIE 2016, Nanjing, China, 2016.9 EI会议)

19. Liu Lanjun, Wang Youhua, Li Li, Zhang Xiaotong, Wang Jianguo. Design and Implementation of Channel Coding for Underwater Acoustic System[C]. In:ASICON2009, Changsha, China, 2009.10: 497-500. EI会议)

20. Liu Lanjun, Li Li, Zhang Xiaotong, Wang Qin. An Underwater Acoustic Spread-spectrum System Using RA Coding and Band-pass Signal Acquisition[C]. In:WiCOM2009, Beijing, China, 2009.9. EI会议)

21. Liu Lanjun, Zhang Xiaotong, Wang Qin, Wang Ruofei, Li Lei. CBPMAC/TFC: A Wireless Sensor Network MAC Protocol for Systems with Burst and Periodic Signals[C]. In:WiCOM2007, Shanghai, China, 2007,9: 2539-2542.EI会议)

22. 陈家林,徐灏,袁奕博,刘兰军,连波超,水下实时综合电磁探测系统设计,水下无人系统学报,202331(4): 600-606.

23. 陈明志,刘兰军,陈家林,杨睿,黎明,基于HCOPSO算法的 USV 舵向 PID控制参数整定方法,水下无人系统学报,2023313):381-387, 397

24. 刘兰军,吴坤宇,陈家林,黎 明,基于迁移学习的水声通信信号调制识别方法,海洋技术学报,2022412):1-11.

25. 刘兰军,周亚涛,陈家林,黎明,强嘉晨,谢鹏,海洋电磁信号超低噪声同步采集系统设计,现代电子技术,20224514):17-22.

26. 刘兰军,周亚涛,陈家林,黎明,强嘉晨,谢鹏,海洋电场信号程控增益超低噪声采集系统设计,电子技术应用,2022482):91-95.

27. 刘兰军,翟永庆,郑俊俊,范萍萍,邓莉,基于PSO-CNN的土壤氮含量可见/近红外光谱建模,光学技术,2021474):438-445.

28. 张帆,刘兰军,陈家林,刘健,基于WOA-LSSVM的海底沉积物物性参数建模,海洋技术学报,2021404):84-94.

29. 刘贵豪,刘兰军,黎明,陈家林,牛炯,海洋电场采集电极极差自动补偿方法设计,海洋技术学报,2016351):57-60.

30. 法帅,刘兰军,黎明,周大龙,屈敬翔,一种高精度温度补偿晶振自动标定与测试系统设计,中国科技论文,20151014):1730-1734.

31. 王沁,刘兰军,张晓彤,刘金龙,张雨舟. 一个基于FPGA的低复杂度水声直扩系统设计. 高技术通讯,20091910):1006-1013.

32. 王沁,刘兰军,张晓彤,王有华,刘金龙. 一种支持CDMA机制的水声扩频通信系统. 系统仿真学报,20092124):7845-7850.

33. 刘兰军,张晓彤,王沁,李磊. 一种基于分簇结构的无线传感器网络混合调度MAC协议. 计算机科学,2008359):67-71.

34. 刘兰军,张晓彤,王景存. 机群系统DDR DIMM 总线光互联网络适配器设计. 计算机工程,20073314):207-209.


1. 刘兰军,陈兆炜,牛炯,陈家林,黎明,陈采奕,廖志博,张帆,基于SOPC技术的海洋观测自动测试系统及测试方法,专利号:ZL201911214356.4,申请日:2019.12.02,授权日:2023.07.21

2. 刘兰军,赵昊,黎明,牛炯,周琳,陈家林,任慧,毛吉存,自适应多制式水声通信系统及方法,中国发明专利,专利号:201811444966.9,申请日:2018.11.29,授权日:2020.08.18

3. 刘兰军,黎明,牛炯,陈家林,任慧,翟鹏,赵昊,毛吉存,基于MC-CDMA的水声通信系统及PAPR抑制方法,中国发明专利,专利号:201910892398.7,申请日:2019.09.18,授权日:2020.10.02

4. 黎明,刘兰军,王建国,陈家林,陈震,刘赛,刘贵豪,基于互补数字电桥的液体电导率测量方法与系统,中国发明专利,专利号:201510306911.1,申请日:2015.06.05,授权日:2017.12.01

5. 黎明,刘兰军,王建国,李予国,裴建新,刘帅,朱仲本,杜晓斌,高效能大电流电磁发射系统与方法,中国发明专利,专利号:201510304185.x,授权日:2017.06.16.

6. 王沁,刘兰军,王建国,张晓彤,黎明,刘金龙,王有华,一种面向水声传感器网络的现场级测试系统及方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL200810224589.8,授权日:2012.09.19.

7. 王沁,刘兰军,王建国,张晓彤,黎明,刘金龙,王有华,一种基于FPGA实现的RA码运算电路及设计方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL200810224590.0,授权日:2011.10.12.

8. 张晓彤,刘兰军,王沁,刘金龙,王有华,李翀,一种流水结构的水声扩频通信带通信号捕获电路,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL200910079582.6,授权日:2012.05.23.

9. 张立强,王潇,季志鹏,杨睿,刘兰军,金久才,直流电源系统、及其监控方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201911016751.1,授权日:2020.12

10. 陈家林,李予国,裴建新,亓夫军,刘兰军,黎明,丁学振,李龙,水下滑翔机磁场特征测试方法,中国发明专利,专利号:202110396121.2,授权日:2022.01

11. 贾永刚,朱超祁,郭秀军,孟庆生,刘涛,刘兰军,徐海波,张民生,刘晓磊,王栋,单红仙,深海座底式工程地质环境原位长期观测装置及方法,中国发明专利,专利号:201810833511.X,授权日:2023.08

12. 王树杰, 王建国, 谭俊哲, 窦明武, 梁霄, 刘兰军. 帆板摇帆模拟训练装置, 中国发明专利,专利号: ZL200410035580.4, 授权日: 2006.06.28.


1.  刘兰军,陈俊,陈家林,袁奕博,许皓阳,徐灏,海洋电磁数据记录仪综合参数配置与监控软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2022SR01025052022117.

2.  陈家林,陈俊,刘兰军,卢泽宇,袁奕博,许皓阳,海洋环境电磁场测量系统远程监控软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2022SR01011732022117.

3.  陈俊,陈家林,刘兰军,袁奕博,许皓阳,王朝,海洋电磁记录仪快速参数配置与数据监测软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2022SR01011722022117.

4.  刘兰军,张帆,陈家林,孙笑笑,陈明志,海底沉积物电阻率-物性参数建模软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2021SR0513532202149.

5.  刘兰军,毛吉存,陈家林,任慧,陈俊,吴坤宇,水声通信测试系统参数配置及监控软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2021SR0513531202149.

6.  刘兰军,翟永庆,邓莉,陈家林,张帆,海底沉积物土壤化学成分光谱建模软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2020SR125137920201110.

7.  刘兰军,翟永庆,陈家林,张帆,杨凡,周亚涛,谢鹏,强嘉晨,小型一体化海底电磁采集站上位机监控软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2020SR125135920201110.

8.  刘兰军,左成,陈家林,陈兆炜,海底原位自容式沉积物声学扫描观测仪嵌入式软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2019SR08902292019827.

9.  刘兰军,左成,陈家林,李龙,杨凡,海洋模拟解调程控增益电磁数据记录仪嵌入式软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2019SR08900122019827.

10. 陈家林,左成,刘兰军,杨凡,李龙,海底电磁采集站甲板操控单元嵌入式软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2019SR08899162019827.

11. 陈家林,杨凡,牛炯,刘兰军,左成,李龙,时绍壮,周大龙,海洋电磁数据记录仪参数配置及测试分析软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号:2019SR05108932019523.

12. 刘兰军,邓莉,牛炯,陈家林,基于光谱法的海底沉积物分析软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2019SR05130682019523.

13. 刘兰军,陈采奕,陈家林,廖志博,贾永刚,郭秀军,徐海波,刘涛,孟庆生,张民生. 深海工程地质原位实时多参数观测多模式远程监控软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2018SR092479201826

14. 陈家林,陈采奕,刘兰军,廖志博,贾永刚,孟庆生. 深海沉积物声学原位实时量测系统远程监控软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2018SR094769201826

15. 牛炯,陈采奕,刘兰军,陈家林,陈兆炜,廖志博. 海底多参数观测平台的实验室测试监控软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2018SR4004792018530

16. 王刚,时绍壮,黎明,刘兰军,包谛,刘道枝,杨文哲. 数字解调电磁记录仪数据分析处理软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2017SR072385201739

17. 刘兰军,刘凤庆,贾永刚,张玲,黎明,褚东升,华文,王坤. 深海工程地质原位长期观测远程监控服务器软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2016SR40330620161229

18. 刘兰军,刘凤庆,贾永刚,张玲,黎明,褚东升,华文,王坤. 深海工程地质原位长期观测远程监控客户端软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,登记号2016SR40274720161229

LIU Lanjun

Title: Associate Professor/Deputy Director of the Department

Department: Department of Automation&Measurement


Engineering College, Ocean University of China,

1299 Sansha Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266404

E-mail: hdliulj@ouc.edu.cn, liulanjunouc@126.com


1.  1998.09-2002.07, Ocean University of Qingdao, Automation, UndergraduateBachelor of Engineering

2.  2002.09-2005.07, Ocean University of Qingdao (On October, 2002, it was renamed Ocean University of China), Signal and Information Processing, Graduate, Master of Engineering

3.  2005.09-2009.07, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Computer Application Technology, Graduate, Ph.D. of Engineering

Work Experience

1.  2009.07-2014.11Working in College of Engineering, Ocean University of ChinaAssistant Professor

2.  2014.12-nowWorking in College of Engineering, Ocean University of ChinaAssociate Professor

Research Interests / responsibilities

1.  Embedded Technology and Intelligent Instruments

2.  Intelligent Perception and Information Processing

3.  Intelligent Signal Processing and Systems

4.  Underwater Precise Real-time Sensing

5.  Intelligent Adaptive Underwater Acoustic Communication


1.  Fieldbus technology

2.  SOPC principles and applications

3.  Microprocessor Principle and Interface Technology

Research Projects

1.  Key technology research of a new type seafloor electromagnetic acquisition station with 6000 meters work depth, supported by open foundation for Qingdao National Laboratory of Marine Science and Technology, 2017.04-2020.03, person in charge

2.  Research of high performance channel coding and clock recovery for underwater acoustic communication, supported by Doctoral Program Research Fund of Chinese Ministry of Education, 2013.01-2015.12, person in charge

3.  Research and implementation of high performance channel coding for underwater acoustic communication, supported by Science and Technology Development Fund of Qingdao Municipal Government, 2011.10-2013.9, person in charge

4.  Key technologies research of direct sequence spread spectrum based underwater acoustic communication for underwater CDMA networking, supported by Special Science and Technology Fund for Young Teachers of Ocean University of China, 2012.01-2013.12, person in charge

5.  Key technologies research of deep and far sea environment monitoring based on underwater acoustic sensor networks, supported by National High-Tech Research and Development Program, 2006.12-2009.6, person in charge of underwater acoustic communication protocol

6.  Equipment implementation and theoretical study of marine controlled source of systems for deep sea applications, supported by National High-Tech Research and Development Program, 2011.10-2016.9, person in charge of seabed electromagnetic acquisition station

7.  Key technology research of electric field observation system for deep sea, supported by Science and Technology Development Fund of Shandong Municipal Government, 2012.01-2013.12, responsible person executed

8.  Development of large data Buoy integrated technology, supported by Science and Technology Development Fund of National Oceanic Administration, 2009.12-2010.12, responsible person executed of hardware system

Major Publication

1.  Lanjun Liu, Hui Ren, Hao Zhao, Jiong Niu, Jialin Chen, and Junfeng Wang, An Adaptive Multi-Mode Underwater Acoustic Communication System Using OSDM and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Modulation, IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 56277-56291.SCI

2.  Liu Lanjun, Liao Zhibo, Chen Caiyi, Chen Jialin, Niu Jiong, Jia Yonggang, Guo Xiujun, Chen Zhaowei, Deng Li, Xu Haibo, Liu Tao, A Seabed Real-Time Sensing System for In-Situ Long-Term Multi-Parameter Observation Applications, Sensors, 2019, 19(5): 1255.SCI

3.  Lanjun Liu, Hao Zhao, Ming Li, Lin Zhou, Jiucai Jin, Jie Zhang, Zhichao Lv, Hui Ren and Jicun Mao, Modelling and Simulation of Pseudo-Noise Sequence-Based Underwater Acoustic OSDM Communication System, Applied Sciences-Basel, 2019, 9(10): 2063.SCI

4.  Lanjun Liu, Jianfen Li, Lin Zhou, Peng Zhai, Hao Zhao, Jiucai Jin, Zhichao Lv. An underwater acoustic direct sequence spread spectrum communication system using dual spread spectrum code. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2018, 19(8): 972-983.SCI

5.  Jialin Chen, Yonghong Lu, Lanjun Liu, Haibo Xu. Self-repairing nanoporous MCNT/Ag/AgCl composite electrode as a low-cost and long-term stable marine potentiometric sensor. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2022, 368: 132166.SCI

6.  XianghuaWang, Chee Pin Tan, Lanjun Liu, Qingyuan Qi, A novel unknown input interval observer for systems not satisfying relative degree condition, Int J Robust Nonlinear Control, 2021, 31: 2762-2782. SCI

7.  Ma Jinshuai, Jin Jiucai, Liu Deqing, Liu Lanjun, Wang Dong, Chen Mingzhi, An improved adaptive dynamic window algorithm for target tracking of unmanned surface vehicles, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC2021, Xi'an, China, Aug. 17-19, 2021.EI

8.  Xie Peng, Liu Lanjun, Chen Jialin, Li Ming, Yuan Yibo, Qiang Jiachen, Marine Electric Field Signal Amplification Circuit with Ultra Low Noise and High Input Impedance, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC2021, Xi'an, China, Aug. 17-19, 2021.EI

9.  Lanjun Liu, Hui Ren, Peng Zhai, Jiong Niu, Hao Zhao, Jicun Mao. Chaotic Composite Spread Spectrum Sequence Based PAPR Suppression for Underwater Acoustic MC-CDMA Communication System. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2019, Dalian, China, September 20-23, 2019.EI

10.  Lanjun Liu, Li Deng, Jialin Chen, Pingping Fan, Caiyi Chen, Yongqing Zhai. Relationship Modeling between Nitrogen Phosphorus Content and Near-infrared Spectrum of Offshore Sediments. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2019, Dalian, China, September 20-23, 2019.EI

11.  Lanjun Liu, Caiyi Chen, Li Deng, Pingping Fan, Zhibo Liao, Zhaowei Chen. ANN Based Relationship Modeling of Submarine Sedimentary Soil Properties and Resistivity. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal, Information and Data Processing, ICSIDP 2019, Chongqing, China, December 11-13, 2019.EI

12. Liu Lanjun, Zhao Hao, Niu Jiong, Zhou Lin, Lv Zhichao, Jin Jiucai, Zhang Jie, Wang Junfeng, OSDM based adaptive multi-mode underwater acoustic communication system, the 13th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, WUWNet 2018, Shenzhen, China, 2018.12.3-12.5EI

13. Lanjun Liu, Hao Zhao, Lin Zhou , Jiucai Jin, Jie Zhang , Zhichao Lv .PN Sequence based Underwater Acoustic Orthogonal Signal-Division Multiplex Communication System. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2018, Qingdao, China, September 14-16, 2018.EI

14. Lanjun Liu, Peng Zhai, Lin Zhou, Jianfen Li, Jiucai Jin, Jie Zhang, Zhichao Lv. A Carrier Interleaved Underwater Acoustic MC-CDMA Communication System Using Complete Complementary Sequence[C]. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2017, Xiamen, China, 2017.10EI

15. Lanjun Liu, Jianfen Li, Lin Zhou, Peng Zhai, Jiucai Jin, Jie Zhang, Zhichao Lv. A SC-DS-CDMA Underwater Acoustic Communication System Using Dual Spread Spectrum Code [C]. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2017, Xiamen, China, 2017.10EI

16. Hengliang Wang, Lanjun Liu, Jialin Chen, Ming Li, Yuguo Li, Jianxin Pei, Gang Wang, Guihao Liu. Design of a marine electric field acquisition system with electrode range automatic compensation[C]. OCEANS’16 MTS/IEEE Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2016.4 EI

17. Liu LanjunZhang YongleiZhang PengchengZhou LinLi JianfenJin JiucaiZhang JieLv Zhichao. PN sequence based Doppler and channel estimation for underwater acoustic OFDM communication[C]. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2016, Hong Kong, China, 2016.8EI

18. Liu Lanjun, Zhang Yonglei, Zhang Pengcheng, Zhou Lin, Niu Jiong. Channel coding for underwater acoustic single-carrier CDMA communication system[C]. 7th International Conference on Electronics and Information Engineering, ICEIE 2016, Nanjing, China, 2016.9 EI

19. Liu Lanjun, Wang Youhua, Li Li, Zhang Xiaotong, Wang Jianguo. Design and Implementation of Channel Coding for Underwater Acoustic System[C]. In:ASICON2009, Changsha, China, 2009.10: 497-500. EI

20. Liu Lanjun, Li Li, Zhang Xiaotong, Wang Qin. An Underwater Acoustic Spread-spectrum System Using RA Coding and Band-pass Signal Acquisition[C]. In:WiCOM2009, Beijing, China, 2009.9. EI

21. Liu Lanjun, Zhang Xiaotong, Wang Qin, Wang Ruofei, Li Lei. CBPMAC/TFC: A Wireless Sensor Network MAC Protocol for Systems with Burst and Periodic Signals[C]. In:WiCOM2007, Shanghai, China, 2007,9: 2539-2542.EI