

  • 姓名:庞亮
  • 学位:博士
  • 职称:讲师
  • 电话:
  • Email:pang@ouc.edu.cn
  • 个人简历:

    庞亮,男,19802月,博士,讲师。研究方向为港口、海岸工程及其与海洋环境的相互作用研究。先后发表论文十余篇,其中SCI, EI, ISTP收录七篇;参与国家自然科学基金等项目七项。






    1.   刘德辅,庞亮,谢波涛,伍远康. 2008. 中国台风灾害区划及设防标准研究----双层嵌套多目标联合概率模式及其应用. 中国科学E辑,Vol.38, No.5, P.698~707 (SCI)

    2.    Liu Defu, Pang Liang, Xie Botao, et al. 2008. Design Code Calibration of Coastal Defences against Typhoon Attacks for Nuclear Power Plant. Proc. Of 18th Intern. Offshore & Polar Eng. Con. Vancouver, Canada, ISOPE2008. Vol.4, P.472~477  (EI)

    3.   Liu Defu, Pang Liang, Xie Botao, et al. 2008. Typhoon disaster zoning and prevention criteria----A double layer nested multi-objective probability model and its application. Science in China Series E. Vol.51, No.7, P.1038~1048 (SCI)

    4.   Liu Defu, Pangliang, Xie Botao.2007. Typhoon Disaster in China-Prediction, Prevention and Mitigation. Natural Hazards (Paper No. NHAZ-07-00107, 即将刊出) (SCI)

    5.   Pang Liang, Liu Defu, Yu Yifa, et al. 2007. Improved Stochastic Simulation Technique and Its Application to the Multivariate Probability Analysis of Typhoon Disaster. Proc. Of 17th Intern. Offshore & Polar Eng. Con. Lisbon, Portugal, ISOPE2007. Vol.3, P.1800~1805  (EI)

    6.   Pang Liang, Liu Defu, Xie Botao, Jiang Yunpeng. 2007. Risk analysis of typhoon disaster in China. Advances in Studies on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response. Proc. Of RACR, Shanghai. P.549~555 (ISTP)

    7.   刘德辅, 庞亮, 史宏达,等. 2007.卡特里娜飓风的启示----有关海洋和水利工程的风险分析. 中国工程科学, Vol.9, No.10, P.24~29

    8Liu Defu, Pang Liang, Fu Gang, et al. 2006: Joint Probability Analysis of Hurricane Katrina 2005. Proc. Intern. Offshore & Polar Eng. Con (ISOPE2006). San Francisco, USA, Vol.3, P. 74~80.  (ISTP)