中国海洋大学西海岸校区西区 工程楼A410
1. 连续体系统动力学建模
2. 连续体系统边界控制设计
3. 连续体系统自适应控制设计
在连续体系统、分布参数系统、自适应控制相关领域方面有着较好的研究积累,已在控制领域著名期刊《Automatica》、《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》等发表学术论文22篇,申请/授权发明专利6项。获2019年《中国科学-信息科学》优秀审稿人、2022年-2024年《IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering》优秀审稿人、2023年北京自动化学会优秀研究生、2023年第八届中国科协优秀科技论文奖、2023年《中国科学-信息科学》热点论文奖等荣誉。担任2024中国自动化大会(CAC2024)平行会议主席、第40届中国自动化学会青年学术年会(YAC2025)特邀专题主席。
[1] Zhiji Han, Zhijie Liu, Wen Kang, Wei He*, Boundary feedback control of a nonhomogeneous wind turbine tower with exogenous disturbances, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022, 67(4): 1952-1959.(ESI高被引论文)
[2] Zhiji Han, Zhijie Liu, Jun-Wei Wang, Wei He*, Fault-tolerant control for flexible structures with partial output constraint, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024, 69(4): 2668-2675.
[3] Zhiji Han, Zhijie Liu, Thomas Meurer, Wei He*, PDE-based control synthesis for a planar cable-driven continuum arm, Automatica, 2024, 111600:1-111600:10.
[4] Zhiji Han, Zhijie Liu, Linghuan Kong, Liang Ding, Jun-Wei Wang, Wei He*, Adaptive fuzzy control for a hybrid spacecraft system with spatial motion and communication constraints, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2022, 30(8): 3247-3256.
[5] Zhiji Han, Zhijie Liu, Wei He*, Guang Li, Distributed parameter modeling and boundary control of an octopus tentacle-inspired soft robot, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022, 30(3): 1244-1256.
[6] Zhiji Han, Zhijie Liu*, Xiuyu He, Stabilization control of a flexible marine riser with failed and bounded actuator and time‐varying boundary constraints, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021, 31(16): 7621-7639.
[7] Zhijie Liu, Zhiji Han, Zhijia Zhao, Wei He*, Modeling and adaptive control for a spatial flexible spacecraft with unknown actuator failures, Science China Information Sciences, 2021, 64, 152208:1-152208:16.(ESI热点论文、ESI高被引论文)
[8] Zhijie Liu, Zhiji Han, Wei He*, Adaptive fault-tolerant boundary control of an autonomous aerial refueling hose system with prescribed constraints, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022, 19(4): 2678-2688.
[9] Wen Kang*, Zhiji Han, Zhijie Liu, Bao-Zhu Guo, Fuzzy observer for 2-D parabolic equation with output time delay, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2021, 29(11): 3552-3560.
[10] 刘志杰, 贺威, 马杰, 何思远, 胡文晶, 胡钰杰, 韩志冀. 一种绳驱动软体机器人控制系统[P]. 2024-05-03.
[11] 刘志杰, 马杰, 张永雪, 张刘一, 秦勃, 韩志冀. 一种具有自感知的软体机器人[P]. 2023-01-20.
[12] 刘志杰, 贺威, 马杰, 何思远, 檀景开, 董磊, 韩志冀. 融合专家知识的多段软体机器人自适应强化学习控制方法[P]. 2024-09-27.