



通讯地址:青岛松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院

电子信箱: robotics@ouc.edu.cn



1. 2005/09-2010/09,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,机械工程系,博士

2. 2004/01-2005/08,美国维拉诺瓦大学,机械工程系,硕士

3. 1999/06-2003/06,中国海洋大学,机电工程系,学士








1.本科生课程: 现代控制理论基础
2.研究生课程: 线性系统理论



1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51409237,水下柔索悬吊并联运动平台的设计理论与控制方法研究,2015/01-2017/12,主持

2. 教育部留学归国人员科研启动基金,【2014】1685,DELTA高速并联机械手的动力学分析与轨迹跟踪控制研究,2014/10-2016/09,主持



(1) 解则晓,商大伟,任凭*基于Lamé曲线的Delta并联机器人拾放操作轨迹的优化与试验验证,机械工程学报2015,51(1):52~59

(2) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Mobility Analysis of a Spoked Walking Machine withVariable Topologies, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2011, Vol.3, Issue 4,041005-1~041005-16

(3) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Janis Terpenny, and Richard Goff, Bridging Theory and Practice in a Senior Level Robotics Course for Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, ASEE Computers in Education Journal, 2010, No.4, Vol.XX

(4) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Triple Stance Phase Displacement Analysis withRedundant and Non-redundant Sensing in a Novel Three-legged Mobile Robot usingParallel Kinematics, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2009, Vol.1, Issue 4,pp.041001-1~041001-12

(5) Yi Cao, Clément Gosselin, Ping Ren, Hui Zhou, Orientationability Analyses of aSpecial Class of the Stewart-Gough Parallel Manipulators Using the Unit QuaternionRepresentation, Advanced Robotics, 2013, Vol.27, Issue 2, pp.147-158

(6) Yi Cao, Clément Gosselin, Ping Ren, Hui Zhou, Orientation-Singularity Analysisand Orientationability Evaluation of a Special Class of the Stewart-Gough ParallelManipulators, Robotica, 2013,Vol.31, Issue 8, pp.1361-1372


(1) Ping Ren, Dawei Shang, Peixin Wu, Zexiao Xie,Trajectory Optimization for High Speed Industrial Delta Robots Based on Lamé Curves, Third International Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for ParallelMechanisms and Manipulators, Tianjin, China, 2014.6.7-6.8

(2) Ping Ren, Clément Gosselin, Trajectory Planning of Cable-Suspended ParallelRobots Using Interval Positive-Definite Polynomials, Proceedings of 36th ASMEMechanisms and Robotics Conference, pp.867-875, Chicago, IL,USA, August 12- 15, 2012

(3) Cment Gosselin, Ping Ren, Dynamic Trajectory Planning of a Two-DOF Cable-Suspended Parallel Robot, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, May 14-18, 2012

(4) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Closed-form Solutions to the Kinematics of a Parallel Locomotion Mechanism with Actuated Spoke Wheels, 35th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference,Washington, DC, USA August 28- 31, 2011

(5) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Forward and Inverse Displacement Analysis of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot with Two Spokes and a Tail Contact with the Ground, 34th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 15- 18, 2010,

(6) Ping Ren, J.B. Jeans, and Dennis Hong, Kinematic Analysis and Experimental Verification on the Steering Characteristics of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot with a Tail, 33rd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August 30 – September 2, 2009

(7) Ping Ren., Ya Wang, and Dennis Hong, Three-dimensional Kinematic Analysis of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot Based on its Equivalency to a Serial Manipulator, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, New York, USA, August 3-6, 2008

(8) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Instantaneous Kinematics and Singularity Analysis of a novel Three-legged Mobile Robot with Active S-R-R-R Legs, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, New York, USA, August 3-6, 2008

(9) Ping Ren, I.Morazzani, and Dennis Hong, Forward and Inverse Displacement Analysis of a Novel Three-legged Mobile Robot base on the Kinematics of In-parallel Manipulators, 31st ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 4-7, 2007

(10) Hashem Ashrafiuon, Ping Ren, Sliding Mode Tracking Control of Underactuated Surface Vessels, Proceedings of ASME IMECE, Orlando, Florida, USA, Nov. 5-11, 2005





Resume in English

Ping REN
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Automation Science and Engineering
Engineering College, Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100
E-mail  robotics@ouc.edu.cn


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, VA, USA, Aug., 2005 to Aug., 2010

Dissertation: “Kinematic Analysis of Parallel Locomotion Mechanisms”

Advisor: Dr. Dennis Hong              GPA: 3.91 / 4.0

Date of Degree Conferment: Dec., 16th, 2010

M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Villanova University, PA, USA, Jan., 2004 to Jul., 2005

Thesis: “Sliding Mode Tracking Control of Underactuated Unmanned Surface Vessels”

Advisor: Dr. Hashem Ashrafiuon    GPA: 3.93 / 4.0      

Date of Degree Conferment: May 31st, 2007

B.S., Automation Engineering, Ocean University of China, China, Sep., 1999 to Jun., 2003

Major: Automation and Mechatronics

Date of Degree Conferment: Jun., 2003

Work Experience

Lecturer, Department of Automation, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Mar., 2013 to Present

Post Doctoral Fellow, Robotics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Laval, Quebec, Canada, Oct., 2010 to Oct., 2012, Advisor: Dr. Clement Gosselin

Research Interests

Dynamics, Kinematics and Control of Autonomous Systems and Intelligent Robots such as Industrial Serial/Parallel Robots, Mobile Robots, Novel Biologically Inspired Robots


Undergraduate: Fundamentals of Modern Control Theory

Graduate: Linear System Theory

Research Projects

· Design and control of underwater cable-suspended parallel robots

· Trajectory planning and optimization of high-speed parallel Delta robots

· Dynamics and path planning of cable suspended robots

· Research and development of  STriDER: Self-excited Tripedal Dynamic Experimental Robot

· Research and development of IMPASS:  Intelligent Mobility Platform with Actuated Spoke System,

· Mobility analysis of autonomous vehicles on coastal terrains with various locomotion

· Dynamics and trajectory tracking control of underactuated unmanned surface vessels

Major Publication:

Journal Papers

(1) Zexiao Xie, Dawei Shang, Ping Ren*, Optimization and Experimental Verification of Pick-and-place Trajectoryfor a Delta Parallel Robot Based on Lamé Curves (in Chinese), Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 51(1):52~59

(2) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Mobility Analysis of a Spoked Walking Machine withVariable Topologies, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2011, Vol.3, Issue 4,041005-1~041005-16

(3) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Janis Terpenny, and Richard Goff, Bridging Theory and Practice in a Senior Level Robotics Course for Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, ASEE Computers in Education Journal, 2010, No.4, Vol.XX

(4) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Triple Stance Phase Displacement Analysis withRedundant and Non-redundant Sensing in a Novel Three-legged Mobile Robot usingParallel Kinematics, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2009, Vol.1, Issue 4,pp.041001-1~041001-12

(5) Yi Cao, Clément Gosselin, Ping Ren, Hui Zhou, Orientationability Analyses of aSpecial Class of the Stewart-Gough Parallel Manipulators Using the Unit QuaternionRepresentation, Advanced Robotics, 2013, Vol.27, Issue 2, pp.147-158

(6) Yi Cao, Clément Gosselin, Ping Ren, Hui Zhou, Orientation-Singularity Analysisand Orientationability Evaluation of a Special Class of the Stewart-Gough ParallelManipulators, Robotica, 2013,Vol.31, Issue 8, pp.1361-1372

Conference Papers

(1) Ping Ren, Dawei Shang, Peixin Wu, Zexiao Xie,Trajectory Optimization for High Speed Industrial Delta Robots Based on Lamé Curves, Third International Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for ParallelMechanisms and Manipulators, Tianjin, China, 2014.6.7-6.8

(2) Ping Ren, Clément Gosselin, Trajectory Planning of Cable-Suspended ParallelRobots Using Interval Positive-Definite Polynomials, Proceedings of 36th ASMEMechanisms and Robotics Conference, pp.867-875, Chicago, IL,USA, August 12- 15, 2012

(3) Cment Gosselin, Ping Ren, Dynamic Trajectory Planning of a Two-DOF Cable-Suspended Parallel Robot, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, May 14-18, 2012

(4) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Closed-form Solutions to the Kinematics of a Parallel Locomotion Mechanism with Actuated Spoke Wheels, 35th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference,Washington, DC, USA August 28- 31, 2011

(5) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Forward and Inverse Displacement Analysis of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot with Two Spokes and a Tail Contact with the Ground, 34th ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 15- 18, 2010,

(6) Ping Ren, J.B. Jeans, and Dennis Hong, Kinematic Analysis and Experimental Verification on the Steering Characteristics of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot with a Tail, 33rd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, San Diego, California, USA, August 30 – September 2, 2009

(7) Ping Ren., Ya Wang, and Dennis Hong, Three-dimensional Kinematic Analysis of a Two Actuated Spoke Wheel Robot Based on its Equivalency to a Serial Manipulator, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, New York, USA, August 3-6, 2008

(8) Ping Ren, Dennis Hong, Instantaneous Kinematics and Singularity Analysis of a novel Three-legged Mobile Robot with Active S-R-R-R Legs, 32nd ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, New York City, New York, USA, August 3-6, 2008

(9) Ping Ren, I.Morazzani, and Dennis Hong, Forward and Inverse Displacement Analysis of a Novel Three-legged Mobile Robot base on the Kinematics of In-parallel Manipulators, 31st ASME Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 4-7, 2007

Hashem Ashrafiuon, Ping Ren, Sliding Mode Tracking Control of Underactuated Surface Vessels, Proceedings of ASME IMECE, Orlando, Florida, USA, Nov. 5-11, 2005