













2. 海岸结构物地基冲刷与水动力分析






1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于风-浪协同开发的复合筒基聚能增效机理及与振荡浮子耦合优化,2021-2024,主持




5. 山东省重点研发计划:新型风电基础聚能式振荡浮子波浪能发电装置研发,2019-2021,主持

6. 山东省重点研发计划:可变翼波浪能发电模型样机的研发,2015-2016,主持

7. 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室开放基金项目资助:水流对复合筒型基础波浪爬升影响机理与分析方法研究,2020-2023,主持

8. 山东重点实验室开放基金:振荡浮子式波能装置波浪爬升机理及模拟预测方法研究,2020-2022,主持

9. 中国工程院重大咨询项目:山东省海上能源综合利用场景,2022-2023,参与

10. 山东省自然科学基金重大基础研究项目:潮流、波浪能高效捕获与转换基础研究,2017-2019,参与

11. 国家自然科学基金重点基金:桩基环保型防波堤的基础理论与设计方法,2018-2022,参与

12. 科技服务:半潜驳安全作业评估模型敏感参数研究及环境运动响应分析,2020-2021,主持

13. 科技服务:一种防倾倒的自动化沉降观测设备的信号传输系统及软件客户端开发研究,2020-2021,主持

14. 科技服务:浮式平台概念设计,2022-2023,主持


1. Tongshun Yu*, Tingyu Li, Hongda Shi, Zhenyu Zhang, Xingyu Chen. Experimental investigation on the wave-oscillating buoy interaction and wave run-up on the buoy, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 270: 113631.

2. Tongshun Yu*, Shoukun He, Hongda Shi, Xingyu Chen, Qiyue Guo. Numerical investigation of hydrodynamic performance and efficiency of a dual-chamber oscillating water column under different damping and chamber breadth ratio combination, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 266: 113008.

3. Zhenyu Zhang, Tongshun Yu*, Zishuai Zhao. Wave run-up on composite bucket foundation due to random waves: Model tests and prediction formulae, Coastal Engineering, 2022, 177: 104177.

4. Tongshun Yu*, Qiyue Guo, Hongda Shi, Tingyu Li, Xiaoyu Meng, Shoukun He, Peixuan Li. Experimental investigation of a novel OWC wave energy converter, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 257: 111567.

5. Tongshun Yu, Yongcheng Li, Xuguang Chen*, Junhui Tang. Experimental study on wave- and current-induced scour around an anti-deposition permeable breakwater, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 257: 111565.

6. Tongshun Yu*, Xiaoyu Meng, Tingyu Li, Qiyue Guo, Yongcheng Li. Numerical simulation of interaction between wave-driven currents and revetment on coral reefs, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 254: 111346.

7. Tongshun Yu*, Zhenyu Zhang, Meimei Liu, Zishuai Zhao, Zhongyu Shi, Shubo Zhang. Prediction of the wave–current forces acting on a composite bucket foundation using machine learning method, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 250: 111068.

8. Tongshun Yu*, Zishuai Zhao, Tingting Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang, Jijian Lian, Zhongyu Shi, Shubo Zhang. Wave run-up prediction for composite bucket foundation due to regular wave and current, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 245: 110546.

9. Tongshun Yu, Yuying Tang, Hongda Shi, Shuting Huang*. Numerical modelling of wave run-up heights and loads on heaving buoy wave energy converter under the influence of regular waves, Ocean Engineering, 2021, 225: 108670.

10. YU Tongshun*, ZHAO Zishuai, SHI Zhongyu, XU Yu. Experimental Investigation of Wave Load and Run-up on the Composite Bucket Foundation Influenced by Regular Waves, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2021, 20(2): 271-284.

11. Tongshun Yu*, Yutian Zhang, Shubo Zhang, Zhongyu Shi, Xuguang Chen, Yu Xu, Yuying Tang. Experimental study on scour around a composite bucket foundation due to waves and current, Ocean Engineering, 2019, 189: 106302.

12. Yu Tongshun*,Shi Hongda, Song Wenfu. Rotational characteristics and capture efficiency of a variable guide vane waveenergy converter, Renewable Energy, 2018, 122: 275-290.

13. Xiaofeng Dong, Jijian Lian*, Haijun Wang, Tongshun Yu, Yue Zhao. Structural vibration monitoring and operational modal analysis of offshore wind turbine structure[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2018, 150:280-297.

14. Tongshun Yu*, Jijian Lian, Zhongqiang Shi, Hongzhen Wang. Experimental investigation of current-induced local scour around composite bucket foundation in silty sand, Ocean Engineering, 2016, 117: 311-320.
Lian Jijian, Yu Tongshun*, Zhang Jinfeng. Wave force on composite bucket foundation of an offshore wind turbine
Journal of hydrodynamics, 2016, 28(1): 33-42.

16.于通顺*,宋昊阳,刘梅梅,章誉天.水流对复合筒型基础波浪爬升影响机制的数值模拟研究[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版), 2022, 55(12): 1309-1317.

17. 于通顺,唐俊辉,刘梅梅,徐昱*,张舒博.局部冲刷对复合筒基风电结构体系动力响应影响[J]. 太阳能学报, 2022, 43(4): 359-365.

18. 于通顺,唐渔滢,黄淑亭. 振荡浮子式波能装置波浪爬升特征试验[J]. 科技导报, 2021, 39(6): 42-46.

19. 于通顺*,张舒博,章誉天,史仲煜,徐昱,唐渔滢. 复合筒基细砂地基波流冲刷过程及最大冲深研究[J]. 太阳能学报, 2021, 42(8): 434-439.

20.于通顺*,章誉天,史仲煜,张舒博. 可变翼波浪能发电装置导叶水动力性能试验研究[J]. 太阳能学报, 2020, 41(9): 15-20.

21. 于通顺*,齐越,奚泉. 考虑波浪作用相位关系的复合筒型基础地基液化研究[J]. 太阳能学报, 2017, 38(4): 1150-1156.

22.于通顺,练继建*,齐越,王鸿振,复合筒型风电基础单向流局部冲刷试验研究[J]. 岩土力学,201536(4): 1015-1020.

23.于通顺,练继建,柳国环*,董霄峰,粘弹性人工边界-地基-基础-塔筒风致响应特性分析[J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报,201422(5)976-988.

24. 于通顺,王海军*,循环荷载下复合筒型基础地基孔隙水压力变化及液化分析[J]. 岩土力学,201435(3)820-826.

Yu Tongshun

Title: professor
Department: Ocean Engineering
College of Engineering, Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100
E-mail: tshyu707@ouc.edu.cn

2009.8-2014.06 Tianjin University, Ph. D. in Hydraulic Engineering

2005.9-2009.06 Dalian University of Technology, Eng. B. in Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering

Work Experience

2018.01-Now   Associate professor, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

2014.07-2017.12   Lecturer, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

2014.07-2017.06  Post doctor, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

Research Interests
Development of marine wind and wave energy

Hydrodynamic analysis of ocean engineering

Dynamic characteristics analysis of offshore structures and foundation soil


Auto CAD

Structural Dynamics

Reinforced Concrete Structure

System Analysis of Water Resources

Research Projects

1. Be in charge of “Study on local scour and coupling dynamic characteristics of composite bucket foundation subjected to environmental load” supported by National Science Foundation of China (from 2016 to 2018)

2. Be in charge of “Research and development of a novel changeable wing wave energy convertor” supported by Science and Technology Department of Shandong Province (from 2015 to 2016)

3. Be in charge of “Wave run-up and liquefaction analysis of composite bucket foundation” supported by Open Fund of StateKey Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University (from 2017 to 2020)

4. Take part of “Design Methodology and Basic Theory of New Environmental Breakwaterwith Pile Foundation”supported by National Science Foundation of China (from 2018 to 2022)

Major Publication:

1. Yu Tongshun*,Shi Hongda, Song Wenfu. Rotational characteristics and capture efficiency of a variable guide vane waveenergy converter, Renewable Energy, 2018, 122: 275-290.

2. Lian Jijian, Yu Tongshun*, Zhang Jinfeng. Wave force on composite bucket foundation of an offshore wind turbineJournal of Hydrodynamics, 201628(1): 33-42.
3. Tongshun Yu*, Jijian Lian, Zhongqiang Shi, Hongzhen Wang. Experimental investigation of current-induced local scour around composite bucket foundation in silty sand, Ocean Engineering, 2016, 117: 311-320.

4. YU Tong-shun,WANG Hai-jun. Pore water pressure fluctuation and liquefaction analysis of subgrade for composite bucket foundation under cyclic loading. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2014, 35(3)820-826.

5.YU Tongshun, LIAN Jijian, LIU Guohuan, DONG Xiaofeng. Characteristic Analysis on wind-induced response for the system of visco-elastic artificial boundary-soil-foundation-wind Turbine Tower. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 2014, 22(5)976-988.

6. YU Tong-shun, LIAN Ji-jian, QI Yue, WANG Hong-zhen. Experimental study of the local scour around the composite bucket foundations of wind turbines under unidirectional current. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 201536(4): 1015-1020.

7. YU Tong-shun, SONG Wen-fu. Research of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a novel guide vane-changing wave energy convertor with four guide vanes. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2017, 38(3): 860-866.

8. YU Tong-shun, QI Yue, XI Quan. Liquefaction analysis of seabed around composite bucket foundation considering phase relation between wave force and wave pressure on seabed. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2017, 38(4): 1150-1156.

9. Xu Yi, Xu Xiangzhou, Yu Tongshun, Zhang Yanjuan. Factor analysis of runoff coefficient subjected to heavy rainfall on urban lawns with backfill soil. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2014, 28(6): 82-87.