



通讯地址:青岛松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院


办公室电话: 86-532-1550



1. 2000/09–2004/03,哈尔滨工程大学,控制理论与工程,博士






1.本科生课程: 造型材料与工艺、工业设计史、虚拟设计

2.研究生课程: 水下机器人技术


1. 国家海洋可再生能源专项资金项目,盐差能发电技术研究与试验, 2013/12-2016/06主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51279191,潮流能水轮机尾流场特性分析及多机组阵列影响规律研究,2013/01-2016/12,参与


4.国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)2009AA05Z430新型座海底式潮流能水轮机研究 2010/05-2012/12,参与


2. Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan, Dong Li, Yuhe Jiao, An overview of ocean renewable energy in China[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011.Vol 15.1, p91-111.

3.Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, Junzhe Tan. Development of a 100kW Pilot Tidal Current Power Plant. 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering. (CG-Joint 2014). Hannover.Germany,2014.9.2-9.7

4. Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, Jinkun Liu, Zhen Liu, Zhigang Xu,Bingchen Liang, Wenfeng Ji, Jutian Wang. Perspective Study of Marine Structure in Oil Field Integrating Ocean Energy Devices. EWTWC 2013. Aalborg, Denmark. Sep.2-6, 2013.

5.Peng Yuan,Shujie Wang,Study on an Artificial Muscle VIV Tidal Current Energy Converter with Damping,ICMEPE-2016Las Palmas,Spain,2016,June

6. Dong Li, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan. An overview of development of tidal current in China: Energy resource,conversion technology and opportunities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14  28962905. 2010

7.Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan, Flexible Vane Turbine Tidal Current Energy Conversion Device - From Concept to Application. 9th EWTEC, Southampton, UK. 2011, Sep.5-9.

8.Peng Yuan, Xicheng Li. Ocean Renewable Energy in China - Challenge and Opportunity. Modern Energy Reviewer.  2011. 3(1)p22-25.

9. Shujie WangChao XuPeng YuanYingying Wang. Hydrodynamic Optimization of Channelling Device for Hydro Turbine Based on Lattice Boltzmann Method[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol.61, Issue 12, June 2011, Pages 3722-3729.

10. Tianqi Wang, Peng Yuan. Technological economic study for ocean energy development in China. The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEE-IEEM 2011), Singapore, 6-9 Dec. 2011. pp610 – 614.

11. Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang ; Hongda Shi ; Peifang Guo ; Zhiqiang Dong , Overview and proposal for development of ocean energy test sites in ChinaOCEANS, 2012 - Yeosu 21-24 May 2012.

12. Shuang Wu, Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, Junzhe Tan, Dongwang Chen, Omer Rauf. Research on artificial muscles tidal current energy converter based on VIV theory. The 5th Global Conference on Global Warming, May 25-29,2014,Peking University.

13.Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, Junzhe Tan, Shiqiang Xu, Cunfu Chen. Stability Analysis of the Buoyant Mat of a 20kW Axial Flow Tidal Current Energy Converter. The 6th East Asia Workshop for Marine Environment and Energy. Oct17-19th,2013 Qingdao. China.

14.Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, et al. Perspective Study of Marine Structure in Oil Field Integrating Ocean Energy Devices, 10th EWTEC, Aalborg, Denmark. 2013, Sep.2-5.


16. 袁鹏。一种用于多足步行机器人步态控制的CPG模型。制造业自动化 , 2007 , 29 (10) :34-39

Resume in English

Yuan Peng
Title: Associate prof.
Engineering College, Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100
Office Phone   86-532-1550
E-mail  yuanpeng50@hotmail.com

1. 2000/09–2004/03Harbin Engineering University,Control theory and engineering,Ph.D

2.1997/092000/06Harbin Engineering University,Mechanics design and theory, M.Sc

Work Experience
2001.12 -Now     Work in, Engineering College, Ocean University of China

Research Interests / responsibilities
Ocean Renewable Energy
Sustainable Design


Material and Manufacturing Process, History of Industrial Design, Virtual Design, Underwater Vehicle Technology

Research Projects
1. National Ocean Renewable Energy Special Funds Project,Research and Experiment of Salinity Gradient Energy Technology 2013/12-2016/06

2. NSFCResearch on Wake Characteristic of Tidal Turbine and Influence of Tidal Turbine Array.2013/01-2016/12

3. NSFC,Fundamental Research of an Artificial Muscle Tidal Current Conversion Based on VIV Theory,2012/01-2015/12

4. 863 Project, Research on a New Type Seabed Seated Tidal Turbine, 2010/05-2012/12

Major Publication:

1.Peng YuanDongwang ChenShujie WangFei Sun. Experimental Study on Vortex-Induced Vibration Tidal Current Energy Conversion. PERl0DICAL0F0CEANUNIVERSITY0FCHINA45(10):1141200ct.,2015

2. Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan, Dong Li, Yuhe Jiao, An overview of ocean renewable energy in China[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011.Vol 15.1, p91-111.

3.Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, Junzhe Tan. Development of a 100kW Pilot Tidal Current Power Plant. 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering. (CG-Joint 2014). Hannover.Germany,2014.9.2-9.7

4. Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, Jinkun Liu, Zhen Liu, Zhigang Xu,Bingchen Liang, Wenfeng Ji, Jutian Wang. Perspective Study of Marine Structure in Oil Field Integrating Ocean Energy Devices. EWTWC 2013. Aalborg, Denmark. Sep.2-6, 2013.

5.Peng Yuan,Shujie Wang,Study on an Artificial Muscle VIV Tidal Current Energy Converter with Damping,ICMEPE-2016Las Palmas,Spain,2016,June

6. Dong Li, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan. An overview of development of tidal current in China: Energy resource,conversion technology and opportunities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14  28962905. 2010

7.Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan, Flexible Vane Turbine Tidal Current Energy Conversion Device - From Concept to Application. 9th EWTEC, Southampton, UK. 2011, Sep.5-9.

8.Peng Yuan, Xicheng Li. Ocean Renewable Energy in China - Challenge and Opportunity. Modern Energy Reviewer.  2011. 3(1)p22-25.

9. Shujie WangChao XuPeng YuanYingying Wang. Hydrodynamic Optimization of Channelling Device for Hydro Turbine Based on Lattice Boltzmann Method[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol.61, Issue 12, June 2011, Pages 3722-3729.

10. Tianqi Wang, Peng Yuan. Technological economic study for ocean energy development in China. The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEE-IEEM 2011), Singapore, 6-9 Dec. 2011. pp610 – 614.

11. Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang ; Hongda Shi ; Peifang Guo ; Zhiqiang Dong , Overview and proposal for development of ocean energy test sites in ChinaOCEANS, 2012 - Yeosu 21-24 May 2012.

12. Shuang Wu, Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, Junzhe Tan, Dongwang Chen, Omer Rauf. Research on artificial muscles tidal current energy converter based on VIV theory. The 5th Global Conference on Global Warming, May 25-29,2014,Peking University.

13.Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, Junzhe Tan, Shiqiang Xu, Cunfu Chen. Stability Analysis of the Buoyant Mat of a 20kW Axial Flow Tidal Current Energy Converter. The 6th East Asia Workshop for Marine Environment and Energy. Oct17-19th,2013 Qingdao. China.

14.Peng Yuan, Shujie Wang, et al. Perspective Study of Marine Structure in Oil Field Integrating Ocean Energy Devices, 10th EWTEC, Aalborg, Denmark. 2013, Sep.2-5.

15.Peng YuanLe WangVirtual Experience System for User Interface of Electronics ProductsPackage EngineeringVol.30,No.11,2009.11,143-145.

16. Peng Yuan. A CPG Model of Multi-legged Walking Robot Gait Controlling. Manufacturing automation , 2007 , 29 (10) :34-39