


职称/职务:  副教授



通讯地址:青岛市崂山区松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院


电话: 0532-66781550


1. 1994.9-1997.7,硕士,沈阳工业大学,机械制造专业

2. 1990.9-1994.7,学士,沈阳工业大学,机械制造工艺及设备专业


1. 1997至今:中国海洋大学工程学院机电工程系


1. 机电控制技术

2. 海洋可再生能源利用技术

3. 海洋机电装备开发





[1] 潮流能水轮机尾流场特性分析及多机组阵列影响规律研究,项目编号:51279191,国家自然科学基金项目,2013-2016,项目负责人

[2] 自适应悬浮式潮流发电技术水动力特性研究,项目编号:12-1-4-1-(19)-jch,青岛市应用基础研究项目, 2012-2014,项目负责人

[3] 海洋能专项技术成果整合与集成,项目编号:GHME2012ZC03,海洋能专项资金项目,201209-201309,子课题负责人

[4] 100kW潮流能发电装置研制,项目编号:GHME2010GC02-2,海洋可再生能源专项资金项目子课题,2010-2012,参与

[5] 轴流式潮流能发电装置研究与试验,项目编号:GHME2010ZC04,海洋可再生能源专项资金项目子课题,2010-2012,参与

[6] 柔性叶片潮流能水轮机水动力学特性研究, 项目编号:50979101,国家自然科学基金项目,2010-2012,参与



[1] Junzhe Tan, Peng Wang , Xiancai Si, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan. Research on Scale Effects on the Wake Field of Tidal Turbine. 3nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC 2016), October 24th-28th, 2016, Sands Expo and Convention Center, Singapore. P567-573.

[2] 谭俊哲, 闫家政, 王树杰, 陈震, 袁鹏. 电动变桨式潮流能水轮机获能分析与应用[J]. 海洋工程, 2017, 32(11): 70-75.

[3] 谭俊哲, 王鹏,袁鹏,王树杰,司先才. 基于相似理论的潮流能发电水轮机力特性分析研究. 太阳能学报.EI

[4] Junzhe Tan, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan, Dandan Wang, Hepan Ji. The energy capture efficiency increased by choosing the optimal layout of turbines in tidal power farm. Energy Solutions to Combat Global Warming. Published by the Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, 2015.

[5] Junzhe Tan, Dandan Wang, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan and Hepan Ji. Study on The Influence on the Wake of Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbines. 2nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference(AWTEC 2014),July 28th-August 1st, 2014, Tokyo Big sight, Japan. P233-238.

[6] Junzhe Tan, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan, Linjie Li, and Baina An. Research on the Interaction Effect on Horizontal Axis Tidal Current Turbine Arrays in the Tidal Power Farm. The 1st AWTEC Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. Jeju, Korea, Nov. 28 to Nov. 30, 2012



[1] 发明专利:双立柱升降式潮流能发电海上测试装置,专利号:201210107768.X发明人:谭俊哲、王树杰、史宏达、袁鹏、黎明. 授权。

[2] 发明专利:潮流能发电装置模型循环水槽,专利号:201310685882.5发明人:谭俊哲、高文山、王树杰、袁鹏、王丹丹. 授权。

[3] 发明专利水样自动接收过滤装置,专利号:ZL2013104978235,发明人:谭俊哲、米铁柱、王树杰、袁鹏、黎明. 授权。

Resume in English

Name TAN Junzhe       

Title: Associate professor

Department: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department


Engineering College, Ocean University of China,

238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100

Office Phone   86-532-66781550





1. 1994.9-1997.7, MA, Shenyang University of Technology, Major in Mechanical Manufacturing

2. 1990.9-1994.7, B.S., Shenyang University of Technology, Major in Machining Process and Equipment

Work Experience

1997.07 -Now     Work in, Engineering College, Ocean University of China

Research Interests / responsibilities

Mechanical and electrical engineering, Marine energy utilization technology, Marine mechanical and electrical device development


Interchangeable and measurement technology, Engineering Materials and Forming Technology, Numerical Control Technology, Mechanical Drawing

Research Projects

[1] Study on the analysis of the characteristics of the wake of tidal current turbine and effects on multi-array in power farm funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51279191), NSFC, PI.

[2] Research on hydrodynamics of self-adaptive suspended tidal current energy capture technology (12-1-4-1-(19)-jch), Qingdao Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, PI.

[3] Integration of marine energy special technical achievements (GHME2012ZC03)Special Fund for Marine Energy, PI of Subproject.

Major Publication:

[1] Junzhe Tan, Peng Wang , Xiancai Si, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan. Research on Scale Effects on the Wake Field of Tidal Turbine. 3nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC 2016), October 24th-28th, 2016, Sands Expo and Convention Center, Singapore. P567-573.

[2] TAN JunzheYAN JiazhengWANG ShujieCHEN ZhenYUAN Peng. Research on energy capture analysis and application of tidal turbine with electric pitch control system [J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2017, 32(11): 70-75.

[3] Tan Junzhe, Wang Peng, Yuan Peng, Wang Shujie, Si Xiancai. Research on the Analysis of Tidal Turbine Force-related Characteristics based on Similarity Theory. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica.EI

[4] Junzhe Tan, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan, Dandan Wang, Hepan Ji. The energy capture efficiency increased by choosing the optimal layout of turbines in tidal power farm. Energy Solutions to Combat Global Warming. Published by the Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, 2015.

[5] Junzhe Tan, Dandan Wang, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan and Hepan Ji. Study on The Influence on the Wake of Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbines. 2nd Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference(AWTEC 2014),July 28th-August 1st, 2014, Tokyo Big sight, Japan. P233-238.

[6] Junzhe Tan, Shujie Wang, Peng Yuan, Linjie Li, and Baina An. Research on the Interaction Effect on Horizontal Axis Tidal Current Turbine Arrays in the Tidal Power Farm. The 1st AWTEC Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. Jeju, Korea, Nov. 28 to Nov. 30, 2012
