



通讯地址:青岛松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院

电子信箱: nmei@ouc.edu.cn


传真: 0532-66781550





1993年12月起任教于中国海洋大学工程学院,历任副教授、教授(1995年)、博士生导师(2000年);机电系主任(1996-98)、副院长(1998-06)、常务副院长(2006-10)、校工科工作委员会副主任(常务)(2010.7-   )。


2010年6月-9月,法国 Ecola Centrala de NANTES访问教授







1.本科生课程: 热工学、轮机概论。

2.研究生课程: 高等流体力学、燃烧学、研究生专业英语、传递过程(博士生)、非线性热力系统及其稳定性(博士生)。


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51679225船舶及海洋平台的轮机油水混合物油水相界间弥散传质机理、流变特性及其成分在线检测技术研究2017/01-2020/12,





6.青岛市民生计划项目,,13-1-3-127-nsh ,2013/01-2015/12,低碳燃料燃烧技术研究开发。

7.青岛市科技攻关项目,12-1-3-77-nsh ,2012/01-2014/12,废旧轮胎制取燃油及剩料回收利用技术。










1. Ji Zhang, Han Yuan, Jian Zhao, Ning Mei(通讯); Viscosity estimation and component identification for an oil-wateremulsion with the inversion method”,  Applied Thermal Engineering, v 111, p 759-767, 2017.(SCI, IF 2.739,)

2. Ji Zhang, Han Yuan, Jian Zhao, Ning Mei(通讯);Theoretical and Experimental Investigations ofIdentifying the Ingredients of an Oil–Water MixtureBased on a Characteristic Fluid Inverse Problem”, Int J Thermophys , December 2016, 37:128(SCI, IF 0.745,)

3. Jian Luan, Ning Mei(通讯);” The mechanism research about micro-bubble resistance reduction in the micro-scale laminar flow,” Journal of Ocean Engineering Vol.109,pp14–19(2015).(SCI,IF 1.539)

4. Yifang HAN, Ning MEI,” Theoretical and experimental studies of the transport process of micro-particles in static water”, Journal of Hydrodynamics, v 26, n 6, p 875-881, January 1, 2015, (SCI,IF1.33)

5.Han Yuan, PeilinZhou,Ning Mei(通讯),“Performance Analysis of a Solar-assisted OTEC Cycle for Power Generation and Fishery Cold Storage Refrigeration”, Applied Thermal Engineering, v 90, p 809-819, August 17, 2015.(SCI, IF 2.739,)

6. Han Yuan, Ning Mei(通讯), Energy, exergy analysis and working fluid selection of a rankine cycle for subsea powrsystem”,Energy Conversion and Management,101 (2015) 216-228(SCI, IF 4.380)

7. Han Yuan, Ning Mei(通讯), Peilin Zhou, Performance analysis of an absorption power cycle for ocean thermal energy conversion, Energy Conversion and Management, 87 (2014) 199-207.(SCI, IF 4.380)

8. Han Yuan, Ning Mei(通讯), et al, Experimental Investigation on an Ammonia-Water Based Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System, Applied Thermal Engineering, 61 (2013) 327-333.(SCI, IF 2.739)

9.Han Yuan, Ning Mei(通讯),et,al,Theoretical and experimental investigation on a liquid-gas ejector power cycle using ammonia-water, Science China Technological Sciences, 56 (2013) 2289-2298.(SCI, IF 1.192)

10.Han Yuan, Ning Mei(通讯), “Theoretical investigation of a power cycle using ammonia-water as working fluid”, Advanced Materials Research, 875-877, 1837. (EI)

11.Yingchun XIE, Ning MEI,”Energy effectiveness analysis of countercurrent humidifier”, CIESC Journal, v 65, n SUPPL.1, p 61-65, May 2014(EI)

12. Huan LIN, Shen XU, Xinwei WANG, Ning MEI,” Thermal and electrical conduction in ultrathin metallic films: 7 nm down to sub-nanometer thickness”, Small, v 9, n 15, p 2585-2594, August 12, 2013,(SCI, IF 3.792)

13.Huan LIN, Shen XU, Xinwei WANG, Ning MEI,” Significantly reduced thermal diffusivity of free-standing two-layer graphene in graphene foam”, Nanotechnology, v 24, n 41, October 18, 2013.(SCI, IF 7.132)

14.Mei Ning, Li Yan, Wang Guirong, Bai Yu, Liu XiaojunRISING LIQUID FILM INDUCED BY REWETTING AND HEAT TRANSFER ON THE SURFACE OF A FLUTED HELIX HORIZONTAL TUBE”,J. of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 19,Isssue 2, 2012,pp107-121. (SCIIF 0.605)


1.海水温差驱动的氨水再热—引射吸收动力循环系统, ZL2011110004241.X,第一发明人。

2.强化吸收装置, 201110052150.3,第一发明人。

3. 溶液变压解吸压缩制冷循环装置,200910013614.2,第一发明人。


5. 一种圆柱板污水换热器 200810138675.7,第一发明人。


7. 溶解制冷循环装置,ZL200410075490.8,第一发明人。

8. 能回气补压的吸附制冷装置, ZL2001135116.0,第一发明人。

9. 燃油汽化方法、油盘及汽化装置,ZL200610035913.2,第二发明人,(与塞尔福(厦门)工业有限公司合作)。

Resume in English

Ning MEI
Engineering College, Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100
Office Phone   +86-532-6678-2291
E-mail  nmei@ouc.edu.cn

Ph.D.Dalian University of Technology, 1989

Master of Eng.,  Dalian University of Technology, 1986

Bachelor of Eng. Dalian University of Technology, 1983

Work Experience
2010-Present,ProfessorandExecutive Vice Chair of Eng. Committee of OUC, College of Eng.,Ocean University of China.

2008-2010, Professor and Deputy Dean, College of Eng. Ocean University of China.

1998-2008, Professor and Associate Dean, College of Eng. Ocean University of China.

June. 2014-Aug.2014, Visiting Professor, Navel Arch.& Marine Eng. Dept., Strathclyde University, Scotland, UK.

Oct. 2012-Dec.2012, Visiting Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Iowa State University, Ames, U.S.A.

July. 2011-Oct.2011, Visiting Professor, Navel Arch.& Marine Eng. Dept., Strathclyde University, Scotland, UK.

June. 2010-Aug.2010, Visiting Professor, Fluid Mechanic Lab., EcoleCentrale de NANTES, NANTES, France.

Feb. 1999-Dec.1999,Visiting Scholar, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ohio State University, Columbus OH 43210, U.S.A.

Nov. 1998-Feb.1999, Visiting Scholar, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, U.S.A.

1996-1998, Professor and Department Chair, Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Eng. Ocean University of China.

1993-1995, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Eng. Ocean University of China.

1992-1993,Associate Professor and Vice director of Thermal Energy Section, Energy and Thermal Physics Department, College of Powering Eng., Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, PR China.

1989-1992, Lecturer and Director of Thermal Energy lab., Energy and Thermal Physics Department, College of Powering Eng., Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, PR China.

Research Interests / responsibilities
1. Formation,fluid flow and heat transfer of liquid falling film on fluted helix surface of horizontal and vertical tube,

2. Formation,fluid flow and heat transfer of liquid cribbing film on fluted helix surface of horizontal tube,

3. Combustion in micro-scale,

4.Adsorption refrigerating system powered by engine exhaust,

5.Absorption air cooling system ,powered by bus engine exhaust

6.Desorption Compression Refrigeration Cycle and its System

7.Installation simulation for Offshore Platform,

8. Particle pollutant diffusion and control,

9. Thermal System Powered by Ocean Thermal Energy


1. Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

2.Introduction into Marine Engineering

Graduate Student Courses:

1. Advanced Thermodynamics

2. Advanced Fluid Mechanics (Bilingual course)

3. Combustion (Bilingual course)

4. Advanced Heat Transfer

5. Compressible Fluid Flow

6. Energy System

Ph.D. Student Courses:

1. Transfer Phenomena

2. Non-linear Thermal System and its Stability

Research Projects as Principal Investigator

1. “Dispersion Mass Transfer between oil-water Phase and its Rheological Property of Oil- water Mixture in Marine Engineeringof Ship and Offshore Platform, National Science Foundation of China , Contract Number: 51679225, Award Period: 01/01/2017-12/ 30/2020.

2. “Theoretical Study on Mass Diffusion of Micro Plankton in Boundary layer of Sea bed”, National Science Foundation of China , Contract Number:51276174, Award Period: 01/01/2013-12/ 30/2016.

3. “Raw Coal Refine and Fully- Use Method for High Land of West China ”, Science Foundation of QINGHAI Province, Contract Number:2013-N-3547, Award Period: 01/01/2014-12/30/2016.

4“Applicationstudy of Bio-gas Production from City Wastes”. High Tech. Program(863) of Ministry of Science and Tech. of China, Contract Number:2012BAC25B02,Award Period: 01/01/2012-12/30/2015.

5.TheoreticalInvestigation of Ammonia-water Desorption- absorption Thermodynamic Cycle Powered by Ocean Thermal energy and Heat transfer Enhancement of Sea Water Exchanger, National Science Foundation of China , Contract Number:51076146, Award Period: 01/01/2011-12/ 30/2013.

6. “Low Carbon Fuel and its Combustion Technique”, Science Foundation of QINGDAO City, Contract Number:13-1-3-127-nsh, Award Period: 01/01/13-11/30/16.

7. “Technical Approach of Recycling of Used Refrigerant, Science Foundation of QINGDAO City, Contract Number:10-2-3-20-jch, Award Period: 12/01/10-11/30/12. Cooperated with JINHUA GROUP Co. ltd.

8. “Theoretical study of Ammonia-water Desorption and Compression Refrigeration Cycle and Its System Development”, High Tech. Program(863) of Ministry of Science and Tech. of China, Contract Number:2008AA05Z208, Award Period: 11/01/08-12/30/10.

9. “Technical Approach of Fuel Recycling from Waste Tire, Science Foundation of QINGDAO City, Contract Number:12-1-3-77-nsh, Award Period: 01/01/12-12/30/15.

Selected Publications in International Journals:
1. Ji Zhang, Han Yuan, Jian Zhao, Ning MeiCorresponding author; Viscosity estimation and component identification for an oil-wateremulsion with the inversion method”,  Applied Thermal Engineering, v 111, p 759-767, 2017.(SCI, IF 2.739,)

2. Ji Zhang, Han Yuan, Jian Zhao, Ning MeiCorresponding author;Theoretical and Experimental Investigations ofIdentifying the Ingredients of an Oil–Water MixtureBased on a Characteristic Fluid Inverse Problem”, Int J Thermophys , December 2016, 37:128(SCI, IF 0.745,)

3. Jian Luan, Ning MeiCorresponding author;” The mechanism research about micro-bubble resistance reduction in the micro-scale laminar flow,” Journal of Ocean Engineering Vol.109,pp14–19(2015).(SCI,IF 1.539)

4. Yifang HAN, Ning MEI,” Theoretical and experimental studies of the transport process of micro-particles in static water”, Journal of Hydrodynamics, v 26, n 6, p 875-881, January 1, 2015, (SCI,IF1.33)

5.Han Yuan, PeilinZhou,Ning MeiCorresponding author“Performance Analysis of a Solar-assisted OTEC Cycle for Power Generation and Fishery Cold Storage Refrigeration”, Applied Thermal Engineering, v 90, p 809-819, August 17, 2015.(SCI, IF 2.739,)

6. Han Yuan, Ning MeiCorresponding authorEnergy, exergy analysis and working fluid selection of a rankine cycle for subsea powrsystem”,Energy Conversion and Management,101 (2015) 216-228(SCI, IF 4.380)

7. Han Yuan, Ning MeiCorresponding author, Peilin Zhou, Performance analysis of an absorption power cycle for ocean thermal energy conversion, Energy Conversion and Management, 87 (2014) 199-207.(SCI, IF 4.380)

8. Han Yuan, Ning MeiCorresponding author et al, Experimental Investigation on an Ammonia-Water Based Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System, Applied Thermal Engineering, 61 (2013) 327-333.(SCI, IF 2.739)

9.Han Yuan, Ning MeiCorresponding authoret,al,Theoretical and experimental investigation on a liquid-gas ejector power cycle using ammonia-water, Science China Technological Sciences, 56 (2013) 2289-2298.(SCI, IF 1.192)

10.Han Yuan, Ning MeiCorresponding author “Theoretical investigation of a power cycle using ammonia-water as working fluid”, Advanced Materials Research, 875-877, 1837. (EI)

11.Yingchun XIE, Ning MEI,”Energy effectiveness analysis of countercurrent humidifier”, CIESC Journal, v 65, n SUPPL.1, p 61-65, May 2014(EI)

12. Huan LIN, Shen XU, Xinwei WANG, Ning MEI,” Thermal and electrical conduction in ultrathin metallic films: 7 nm down to sub-nanometer thickness”, Small, v 9, n 15, p 2585-2594, August 12, 2013,(SCI, IF 3.792)

13.Huan LIN, Shen XU, Xinwei WANG, Ning MEI,” Significantly reduced thermal diffusivity of free-standing two-layer graphene in graphene foam”, Nanotechnology, v 24, n 41, October 18, 2013.(SCI, IF 7.132)

14.Mei Ning, Li Yan, Wang Guirong, Bai Yu, Liu XiaojunRISING LIQUID FILM INDUCED BY REWETTING AND HEAT TRANSFER ON THE SURFACE OF A FLUTED HELIX HORIZONTAL TUBE”,J. of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 19,Isssue 2, 2012,pp107-121. (SCIIF 0.605)


1.N. MEI, Z. YIN, Z. XU Solid Adsorption Refrigeration System with Recycled Internal Heat”, PRC. No. 01135116.0

2. N. MEI, Y. LI, M. ZHANG, J.ZHAO Liquid Fuel Rising Film Combustion Chamber,PRC. No.ZL200510042297.9

3. M. ZHANG, N. MEI, J.ZHAO, Liquid Fuel Atomization Method and its Equipment, PRC.No.ZL200610035913.2, Joint Patent ofSELF (XIAMEN) Industrial Co. Ltd.And OUC

4. N.MEI, H..LU, Dissolution Refrigeration Cycle and Its Equipment,PRC. No.ZL200410075490.8,

5. N. MEI, H. SHI, J. ZHAO, Cylindrical Sewage Heat Exchanger with Self-cleaning Function,PRC. No.ZL200810138675.7

6. G. LIU, N. MEI, Protecting and Damping Device of Offshore Platform,PRC. No.ZL200610042354.8

7. N. MEI, et al, “Collecting Device of Ocean Algae”, 200910014043.4.

8. N. MEI, et al,” Ammonia-water Desorption and Absorption Compression System”200910013614.2.

9. N. MEI, et al,” Ammonia-water Reheating and EjectionPowering Cycle for OTEC”201110004241.X

10. N. MEI, et al, ”Enforced Absorption System”, 201110052150.3