




通讯地址:青岛市崂山区松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院2-305B 266100





1. 2006/09–2010/06, 中国海洋大学,港口、海岸及近海工程,博士

2. 1996/09–1999/06, 青岛理工大学,应用力学,硕士

3. 1992/09–1996/06, 青岛理工大学,结构工程,学士


1. 1999/07-至今,中国海洋大学,工程学院,教师

2. 2015/08-2016/08,澳大利亚科廷大学,BIM 中心,访问学者BIM 海洋工程中的应用

3. 2010/8-2011/7,西班牙马德里理工大学,博士后复合材料在海结构中的应用

4. 2005/03-2005/09,美国加州大学圣迭戈分校,工程力学,访问学者,双语教学项目

 1. 深海大型结构物耦合动力响应分析方法与结构失效模式研究;

2. 浮式多体系统多场多体运动与动力相关性研究;



  1. 本科生课程: 海洋平台结构海洋油气管道工程工程力学钢筋混凝土结构组合结构》、理论力学材料力学画法几何与工程制图专业英语(土木工程)ANSYS-结构设计
  2. 研究生课程:专业英语(港口、海岸及近海工程专业)



1. 浮式多体系统近场流固耦合与多体运动相关性研究,2021/01-2024/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(52071307

2. 海上城市综合体整体动力特性与综合评估技术研究,2020/10-2023/102020年度山东省重点研发计划(重大科技创新工程)子课题

3. 关键结构区域参数化设计,2020/05-2021/05,技术服务

4. 海洋工程装备虚拟研发及过程可视化,2019/01-2019/12,服务青岛产业发展重点学科建设项目(2019KJG001

5. 深水钻井平台主体结构强度快速分析技术研究,2017/10-2018/10,技术服务

6. 深水大兆瓦风机新型浮式支撑结构关键技术及多准则决策研究,2014/01-2016/12,国家自然科学基金青年项目(51309209

7. 超大型管廊结构在非滑道区一体化建造时地基不均匀沉降问题研究,2014/01-2014/12,技术服务




1. 多场多体多尺度耦合及其对海工装备性能与安全的影响机制,2021/01-2025/12,国家自然科学基金基础科学中心(52088102

2. 大型深海结构水动力学理论与流固耦合分析方法,2015/01-2019/12,国家自然科学基金重大项目(51490670

3. 山东省海洋能综合利用专题研究,2018/01-2018/12,技术服务



 1.Xun MENG,Pin TANG,Dejiang LI,Yu XU, Qiang FU. Optimization-based Multi-attribute Decision Making for the 7th Generation Semi-submersible Drilling Unit. In: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2020, June 28-July 3, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA.

 2.TANG, Xun MENG, Dejiang LI, Harmonic Oscillations Study on Hull Motion and Payload Pendulationof the Offshore Large Crane Vessel, ISOPE PACOMS2020: 14th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Dalian, China

  3. Meng Xun*,Shi Ruifeng,Multi-criteria assessment of offshore wind turbine support structures based on dynamic property optimizationHigh Technology Letters2014,20(4):421-428.

  4. Meng Xun*,Geng Aoxiang,Li Xin,Multi-criteria-decision-making of floating supports with large-capacity OWT at deep water,2014 International Conference on Advanced Nano-Technology and Biomedical Material,ANTBM 2014,484-491,2014.6.28-2014.6.30.

  5Meng Xun*,Lou Qi,Shi Ruifeng,Multi-criteria-decision-making of a TLP support with large - capacity OWT at deep water,24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2014 Busan,384-389,2014.6.15-2014.6.20.

  6. Gong Chen,Meng Xun* ,Gao Renjie,Shan Jihua,Li Fengjian,Sun Longlong,Bearing capacity analysis of the slab of slipways at marine engineering construction site,2014 International Conference on Green Materials and Environmental Engineering, GMEE,2014,715-720, 2014.9.18-2014.9.20.

  7.Shi Ruifeng,Meng Xun*,Numerical simulation and structural analysis of oceanic oil containment booms in towing condition,24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2014 Busan,597-604,2014.6.15-2014.6.20

  8. Meng Xun*, S.de Guzman,M.A.Herreros, I.Diez de Ulzur Materiales híbridos estructurales fibra-metal para aerogeneradores offshoreThe Spanish Conference in Composite Materials at Gerona2011.08.13-2011.08.15.


10.俞玉莲,苟洪顺,邢启险,孟珣*. Spar风机非稳态动力响应.水道港口. 40(6),2019: 694-699

11.孟珣*,田会元,李鑫, 基于动力特性的南海浮式风力机多准则评价,太阳能学报,2016,37(8):2063-2067

  12. 孟珣*,李华军,包兴先,采油平台在海上风电支撑体系中的应用研究,应用基础与工程科学学报,2010,18(04):626-636.

  13. 孟珣*,侯金林,于春洁,黄维平,李华军,海上风力发电单立柱支撑结构拟静力分析,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2010,40(02):89-94

  14. 孟珣,基于动力特性的海上风力发电支撑结构优化技术研究,港口、海岸及近海工程, 博士论文, 中国海洋大学,中国, 2010/4/1

Resume in English


Title: Associate Professor  
Department: Ocean Engineering Department
Address: No. 2-305B, Engineering College, Ocean University of China, No.238 Songling Road,

Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100
Office Phone: 86-532-66781550


  1. 2006/09–2010/06, Ocean University of China. Harbor,Coastal and Offshore Engineering,Ph.D.

  2. 1996/09–1999/06, QingDao University of Technology,Applied Mechanics,Master Degree.

  3. 1992/09–1996/06, QingDao University of Technology,Civil Engineering,Bachelor Degree.

Work Experience:
  1. 1999.07 –Now, Work in, Engineering College, Ocean University of China
  2. 2015.08-2016.08, Visiting scholar, Australia Joint Research Centre for Building Information Modelling, School of Built Environment, Curtin University, Perth, Australia. BIM Applications in Ocean Engineering Field.

  3. 2010.08- 2011.07, Post-doctorates mobility of TANDEM Alliance program, ERASMUS. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain. Fiber-metal Hybrid Laminates Used on Offshore Structures

  4.2005.03-2005.09,Visiting scholar, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), California, USA. Teaching Sciences in English-Faculty Development Program, CSC.

Research Interests / responsibilities:

1. Dynamic coupling analysis and failure mechanism study on large scale floating structures at deep water;

2. Research on the correlation between multi-body motions and dynamic properties of floating multi-body system;

3. Virtual R & D and multi-criteria evaluation of comprehensive performance for offshore engineering equipment;


  1. Undergraduate student coursesOffshore Platforms DesignOffshore Pipelines DesignEngineering MechanicsReinforced Concrete StructuresComposite Structures》、Theoretical MechanicsMaterial MechanicsEngineering GraphingProfessional EnglishCivil Engineering)》、《ANSYS-Structural Design
  2. Graduated student courseProfessional EnglishHarbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering

Research Projects:

1. Correlation study of the floating multi-body system on fluid-structure interaction at near field and multi-body motions, 2021/01-2024/12, the National Natural Science Foundation of China52071307

2. Research on dynamic characteristics and comprehensive evaluation technology of marine urban complex,2020/10-2023/10, Sub project of key R & D plan of Shandong Province (major scientific and technological innovation project) in 2020

3. Parametric design of key structure area,2020/05-2021/05, technological service

4. Virtual R & D and process visualization of offshore engineering equipment, 2019/01-2019/12, Construction project of key disciplines for serving Qingdao's industrial development2019KJG001

5. Research on fast strength analysis technology for main structure of deepwater drilling platform,2017/10-2018/10, technological service

6. Study on key technologies and multi-criteria decision making of a new-type floating support with large-MW OWT at deeper water,2014/01-2016/12,the National Natural Science Foundation of China51309209

7. Research on uneven settlement of foundation for super large pipe gallery in non-slide area,2014/01-2014/12, technological service



1. The couplings among multi-oceanic fields, multi-body and multi-scaleand their effects on the performance and safety of ocean engineering equipment, 2021/01-2025/12, the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Fundamental science centre52088102

2. Hydrodynamic theory and analysis methods for fluid and structure interactions of large scale deep-water floating structures2015/01-2019/12the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Major project51490670

3. Research on comprehensive utilization of marine energy in Shandong Province,2018/01-2018/12, technological service


Representative Publication:

1. Xun MENG,Pin TANG,Dejiang LI,Yu XU, Qiang FU. Optimization-based Multi-attribute Decision Making for the 7th Generation Semi-submersible Drilling Unit. In: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2020, June 28-July 3, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA.

 2. TANG, Xun MENG, Dejiang LI, Harmonic Oscillations Study on Hull Motion and Payload Pendulation of the Offshore Large Crane Vessel, ISOPE PACOMS2020: 14th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Dalian, China
 3. Meng Xun*,Shi Ruifeng,Multi-criteria assessment of offshore wind turbine support structures based on dynamic property optimizationHigh Technology Letters2014,20(4):421-428.

  4. Meng Xun*,Geng Aoxiang,Li Xin,Multi-criteria-decision-making of floating supports with large-capacity OWT at deep water,2014 International Conference on Advanced Nano-Technology and Biomedical Material,ANTBM 2014,484-491,2014.6.28-2014.6.30.

  5Meng Xun*,Lou Qi,Shi Ruifeng,Multi-criteria-decision-making of a TLP support with large - capacity OWT at deep water,24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2014 Busan,384-389,2014.6.15-2014.6.20.

  6. Gong Chen,Meng Xun* ,Gao Renjie,Shan Jihua,Li Fengjian,Sun Longlong,Bearing capacity analysis of the slab of slipways at marine engineering construction site,2014 International Conference on Green Materials and Environmental Engineering, GMEE,2014,715-720, 2014.9.18-2014.9.20.

  7. Shi Ruifeng,Meng Xun*,Numerical simulation and structural analysis of oceanic oil containment booms in towing condition,24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2014 Busan,597-604,2014.6.15-2014.6.20

  8. Meng Xun*, S.de Guzman,M.A.Herreros, I.Diez de Ulzur, Materiales híbridos estructurales fibra-metal para aerogeneradores offshore, The Spanish Conference in Composite Materials at Gerona, 2011.08.13-2011.08.15.

9.Yang Min, Meng Xun*.Response characteristics analysis of vortex-induced motions of deep draft semi-submersible platform using SST-IDDES. Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics.34(2).2019:238-247

10.Yu Yulian, Gou Hongshun, Xing Qixian, Meng Xun*. Unsteady dynamic response analysis of Spar wind turbine.Journal of waterway and harbor. 40(6),2019: 694-699



 12. Meng Xun*, Hou Jinlin, Yu Chunjie, Huang Weiping, Li Huajun.Quasi-statistic Analysis of a Monopile Supported OWT structure[J]. Journal of Ocean of University of China (Natural Science). Vol.40,2010. (in Chinese)

  13. Meng Xun*, LI Huajun,Bao Xingxian. Feasible Study on Oil Jacket Platforms in Supporting Structural Systems of OWTs[J].Journal of Basic Science and Engineering. Vol. 18, No. 4, 2010. pp626-636. (in Chinese)

  14. Meng Xun, Optimum Technology on Support Structures of Offshore Wind Turbine Based on Dynamic Properties, PHD thesis, Ocean University of China, 2016. (in Chinese)