

姓名: 张敏


通讯地址:青岛松岭路238号 中国海洋大学工程学院


办公室电话: 66781672


1. 1999.09-2003.07 中国海洋大学港口航道与海岸工程,获工学学士

2. 2003.09-2010.07中国海洋大学港口海岸及近海工程,获工学博士

3. 2008.09-2009.9  美国罗德岛大学 联合培养博士

1. 2010.07-今     中国海洋大学工程学院

1. 海洋工程结构动力分析

2. 结构健康监测

3. 海上风电结构分析

4. 深海结构系泊系统  

1.本科生课程: 流体力学、工程数学
2.研究生课程: 高等流体力学



1. 海上风力发电基础结构动力特性及健康监测关键技术研究,国家自然科学青年基金,25万元,2013.01-2015.12,项目负责人

2. 三脚架式海上风力发电基础结构振动检测关键技术研究,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金, 5万元,2012.07-2014.12,项目负责人



1. Zhang M ,Wang S Q,Fu J L,Xu X L,Model Simplification for Offshore Platforms Using Model Refinement Scheme,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,284-287:1436-1440。

2. 张敏,李华军,王俊荣,一种结构动力特性修改新方法,工程力学,2009,(08):10-14。

3. Li HuaJun,Zhang Min,Wang JunRong,James, Hu Sau-Lon,Fundamental modeling issues on benchmark structure for structural health monitoring,Science in China - Series E: Technological Sciences,2009,52(7):1999-2008。

4. Li, Huajun,Zhang, Min,Hu, Sau-Lon James,Refinement of reduced-models for dynamic systems,Progress in Natural Science,2008,18(8):993-997。

5. Zhang M ,Li Y,Ding W C,Xu X L,Damage detection for tripod-type offshore wind turbine structures using modal strain energy methods,24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2014 Busan,260-267,Busan,2014.6.15-2014.6.20。

6. Zhang M ,Li H J,Li Y C,Hu S-L J,Structural Modification by Reassigning Natural Frequencies of Offshore Jacket Platforms,the Twenty-first (2011) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,2011.6.19-2011.6.24。

7. Zhang M ,Li H J,Hu S-L J,Fundamental Structural Frequency Analysis for Jacket-Type Offshore Wind Turbine,the Twentieth (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,2010.6.20-2010.6.25。

8. 刘振亚,张敏*,杜君峰,环境荷载作用下海上浮式风电结构动力响应研究,太阳能学报,2016,37(3)。

9. 李炜,张敏*,刘振亚,赵生校,三脚架式海上风电基础结构基频敏感性研究,太阳能学报,2015,36(1):90-95。

10. 杜君峰,徐霄龙,张敏*,李华军,腐蚀影响下深海平台系泊锚链疲劳损伤评估,船舶力学。

11. Liu Z Y,Zhang M*Wang B,Du J F,Dynamic Response Analysis for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Structures,the Eleventh (2014) Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium,19-25,2014.10.12-2014.10.16。





Resume in English

Zhang Min
Title: Associate Professor
Department: Ocean Engineering
Engineering College, Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100
Office Phone 86-532-6678-1672
E-mail  violet@ouc.edu.cn


2003.9-2010.7 Ocean University of China, Ph. D. in Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering

1999.9-2003.7 Ocean University of China, Eng. B. in Port, Channel and Coastal Engineering 

Work Experience
2010.7 –Now  Work in, Engineering College, Ocean University of China

Research Interests / responsibilities
Dynamic analysis of offshore structures

Structure health monitoring

Offshore wind turbine structure

Mooring system of deepsea structure


Fluid Mechanics  Engineering Mathematics

Research Projects
 1. Be in charge of “Study on dynamic characteristics and health monitoring technology of the foundation structure of offshore wind turbine” supported by National Science Foundation of China, (from 2013 to 2015).

2. Be in charge of “Study on key technology of vibration testing for the foundation structure of tripod-type offshore wind turbine” supported by Shandong Province (from 2012 to 2014).

Major Publication:
1. Zhang M ,Wang S Q,Fu J L,Xu X L,Model Simplification for Offshore Platforms Using Model Refinement Scheme,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,284-287:1436-1440。

2. ZHANG Min, LI Hua-jun, WANG Jun-rong, A New Modification Method for Structural Dynamic Characteristics (in Chinese), ENGINEERING MECHANICS, 2009, 8, pp10-14

3. Li HuaJun,Zhang Min,Wang JunRong,James, Hu Sau-Lon,Fundamental modeling issues on benchmark structure for structural health monitoring,Science in China - Series E: Technological Sciences,2009,52(7):1999-2008。

4. Li, Huajun,Zhang, Min,Hu, Sau-Lon James,Refinement of reduced-models for dynamic systems,Progress in Natural Science,2008,18(8):993-997。

5. Zhang M ,Li Y,Ding W C,Xu X L,Damage detection for tripod-type offshore wind turbine structures using modal strain energy methods,24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2014 Busan,260-267,Busan,2014.6.15-2014.6.20。

6. Zhang M ,Li H J,Li Y C,Hu S-L J,Structural Modification by Reassigning Natural Frequencies of Offshore Jacket Platforms,the Twenty-first (2011) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,2011.6.19-2011.6.24。

7. Zhang M ,Li H J,Hu S-L J,Fundamental Structural Frequency Analysis for Jacket-Type Offshore Wind Turbine,the Twentieth (2010) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,2010.6.20-2010.6.25。

8. Liu Z Y,Zhang M*,Wang B,Du J F,Dynamic Response Analysis for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Structures,the Eleventh (2014) Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium,19-25,2014.10.12-2014.10.16。