









3.2011.09-2015.06,中国海洋大学,港口、海岸及近海工程专业,工学博士学位4.2012.09-2016.02, Université de Bretagne Occidentale(Lab-STIC CNRS 6285),Automatique, Docteur(CSC国家留学基金委资助)


1. 2015.08-2016.9,中国海洋大学工程学院讲师

2. 2016.10-今,中国海洋大学工程学院讲师硕士生导师

3. 2015.08-今,中国海洋大学,计算机科学与技术,博士后




2. FPGA嵌入式技术与机器人任务系统研究




1. 2018.01-2020.12基于控制力矩陀螺技术的开架AUV建模与控制方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,51709245 24万元,在研,项目负责人

2. 2017.11-2018.12水下机器人姿态控制方法研究,中国海洋大学青年教师科研专项基金 10万元,在研,项目负责人

3. 2016.11-2018.12水下机器人的智能控制方法研究,青岛市博士后人员应用研究项目, 5万元,在研,项目负责人

4. 2017.11-2021.10,高速无人船关键技术研究与装备研制国家重点研发计划702万元,参与

5. 2013.01-2016.12海洋可控源水下系统装备研制和理论研究,国家高技术研究发展计划2012AA09A201 2200万元,结题,参与

6. 2016.01-2018.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,51509229,基于线结构光的水下自主作业系统目标识别与定位方法研究, 26.2万元,在研,参与


担任《Journal of Ocean Engineering》期刊审稿人


1. Selected paper in OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE Genova conference Poster Competition

2.Second Place (in Team CISSAU),9th Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge-Europe 2014, SAUC-E 2014, La Spezia, Italy, 10/2014

3. Third Prize (in Team CISSAU),euRathlon 2014 Marine Robotics Competition, La Spezia, Italy, 10/2014


[1]. Rui YANG, B. Clement, A. Mansour, M. Li, N.L. Wu: Modeling of a complex shaped underwater vehicle for Robust Control Scheme. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, online p. 1-16, 2015.

[2]. B. Clement,Rui Yang, A. Mansour,M. Li:A Modeling and Control approach for a cubic AUV,10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems,Trondheim,Norway2016.

[3]. Rui YANG, B. Clement, A. Mansour, H.J. Li, M. Li: Robust Heading Control and its Application to Ciscrea Underwater Vehicle. OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE Genova conference, Italy, 2015.(Poster Competition

[4]. Rui YANG, B. Clement, A. Mansour, H.J. Li, M. Li, N.L. Wu: Modeling of a complex-shaped underwater vehicle. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, ICARSC2014. p. 36-41 Esphino, Portugal, 2014.

[5]. Rui Yang, J.G Wang, B. Clement, A. Mansour: FPGA Implementation of a Parameterized Fourier Synthesizer. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, ICECS 2013, p. 473-476 Abu Dhabi, UAE; 12/2013.

[6]. Rui YANG, I. Probst, B. Clement, A. Mansour, M. Li: Underwater Vehicle Modeling and Control Application to Ciscrea Robot. Quantitative Monitoring of Underwater Environment in SEA TECH Week 2014, MOQSEM'14, Brest, France, 2014(Springer Series: Ocean Engineering & Oceanography).

[7].王建国,杨睿,刘兰军,黎明,迟书凯,牛炯,李坤,王剑. 变电介质电容式琴键压下量振荡测量传感装置与方法. 中国发明专利,申请号:201010189420.0,申请日:2010.05.20,公开号:CN101832750A,公开日:2010.09.15. (中国发明专利)

[8].姚鹏,杨睿,任凭,水下航行器路径规划算法, 申请号:201711193718.7 (中国发明专利)






Resume in English

Title: Lecturer
Department: Department of Automation
Dept. Automation, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China,
238 Songling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100.
Tel:   86-532-66782391
E-mail:  yangrui@ouc.edu.cn



1. 2016.02 Ph.D. in Automation, Université de Bretagne Occidentale(Lab-STIC CNRS 6285,ENSTA Bretagne, CSC), Brest, France.


2. 2015.06 Ph.D. in Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China.


3. 2011.07, M.S. in Control Theory and Control Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China.


4. 2009.07,B.S. in Automation, Naval Aeronautical University, Qingdao, China

Work Experience
2015.8-2016.9 Lecturer, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China.

2016.10-Now Lecturer/Master Supervisor, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China.

2015.8-Now Post-Doctor, Computer Science and Technology, Ocean University of China.

Research Interests / responsibilities
1.Modeling andControlof Unmanned Surface and UnderwaterVehicles,

2.Embedded FPGA Technology and Robotic Systems.

Selected Projects:

1. 2018.1-2020.12. “Research on Modeling and Control Approach for Open-frame AUV with innovative Control Momentum Gyroscope Techniques”, National Nature Science Foundation of China, 51709245, 240000 RMB, Principal Investigator.

2. 2016.10-2018.12, “AUV Attitude Control Research”, Central University Fundamental Research Fund, 100000RMB, Principal Investigator.

3. 2016.11-2018.12, “Intelligent Motion Control Algorithms for Underwater Vehicles”, Qingdao Post-Doctoral Fund, 50000RMB, Principal Investigator.

4. 2011.10-2016.9. “Research on Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Method and its Deep Sea System Development”, National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863), 2012AA09A201, 22000000RMB, Team Member in charge of week signal amplifier.

5. 2016.1-2018.12. “The research on Method of target recognition and positioning for underwater autonomous manipulation systems based on linear structured light”, National Nature Science Foundation of China, 51509229, 262000 RMB, Team Member.



1. Selected paper in OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE Genova conference Poster Competition.

2.Second Place (in Team CISSAU),9th Student Autonomous Underwater Challenge-Europe 2014, SAUC-E 2014, La Spezia, Italy, 10/2014.

3. Third Prize (in Team CISSAU),euRathlon 2014 Marine Robotics Competition, La Spezia, Italy, 10/2014.

Major Publication:

[1]. Rui YANG, B. Clement, A. Mansour, M. Li, N.L. Wu: Modeling of a complex shaped underwater vehicle for Robust Control Scheme. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, online p. 1-16, 2015.

[2]. B. Clement,Rui Yang, A. Mansour,M. Li:A Modeling and Control approach for a cubic AUV,10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems,Trondheim,Norway2016.

[3]. Rui YANG, B. Clement, A. Mansour, H.J. Li, M. Li: Robust Heading Control and its Application to Ciscrea Underwater Vehicle. OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE Genova conference, Italy, 2015.(Poster Competition

[4]. Rui YANG, B. Clement, A. Mansour, H.J. Li, M. Li, N.L. Wu: Modeling of a complex-shaped underwater vehicle. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, ICARSC2014. p. 36-41 Esphino, Portugal, 2014.

[5]. Rui Yang, J.G Wang, B. Clement, A. Mansour: FPGA Implementation of a Parameterized Fourier Synthesizer. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, ICECS 2013, p. 473-476 Abu Dhabi, UAE; 12/2013.

[6]. Rui YANG, I. Probst, B. Clement, A. Mansour, M. Li: Underwater Vehicle Modeling and Control Application to Ciscrea Robot. Quantitative Monitoring of Underwater Environment in SEA TECH Week 2014, MOQSEM'14, Brest, France, 2014. (Springer Series: Ocean Engineering & Oceanography)